Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Covi, Laura Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
Strong magnetic fields and unusual flows in sunspots
(2023-02-06)This thesis presents a study of sunspots, which are the most prominent features observed on the solar surface. Their structure is governed by the magnetic field. The umbra and penumbra of sunspots harbor different strengths ... -
Higher Order Electroweak and QCD Corrections in e+e−μ+μ− production at LHC
(2022-11-09)This thesis focuses on improving the theoretical modelling of the process pp → e+e−μ+μ− at LHC by including both EW and QCD higher-order perturbative corrections. The EW corrections are studied at NLO fixed order and in ... -
Axion Miniclusters: Formation, Structure and Observational Signatures
(2022-09-29)The axion is one of the leading candidates for cosmological dark matter. It arises as the pseudo-Goldstone boson of a spontaneously broken global U(1) symmetry. If this symmetry is broken after inflation, cosmic string ... -
A Unitary Perturbation Theory Approach to Real-Time Evolution in the Hubbard Model
(2019-10-29)We advance perturbative approaches for out-of-equilibrium quantum many-body systems by applying unitary perturbation theory to the real-time evolution of the weakly interacting Hubbard model in d > 1 dimensions. We derive ... -
Refining the chemical and kinetic decoupling description of thermally produced dark matter
(2019-03-26)The first part of this thesis deals with refined theoretical predictions of the thermal relic abundance for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs). Methods are developed in a model independent way to describe the ... -
Radiative Corrections in Curved Spacetime and Physical Implications to the Power Spectrum and Trispectrum for different Inflationary Models
(2018-06-26)In a quantum field theory with a time-dependent background, as in an expanding universe, the time-translational symmetry is broken. We therefore expect loop corrections to cosmological observables to be time-dependent after ... -
Measurement of the ttZ Production Cross Section in the Final State with Three Charged Leptons using 36.1 fb^-1 of pp Collisions at 13 TeV at the ATLAS Detector
(2018-02-14)A measurement of the production cross section for a top quark pair in association with a Z boson (ttZ) is presented in this PhD thesis. Final states with exactly three charged leptons (electrons or muons) are used, taking ... -
Braided Actions of DHR Categories and Reconstruction of Chiral Conformal Field Theories
(2016-10-18)Quantum Field Theory (QFT) is our modern understanding of particles and matter at small scales, where quantum behaviour replaces macroscopical phenomena, which are much closer to intuition, and dynamics is rather driven ... -
Decaying Dark Matter models at colliders
(2016-04-07)After the first run of LHC, no signal of new physics has been found in terms of the DM motivated channels containing missing energy. Even though the next LHC run could still detect a WIMP-like signal, especially from the ... -
Modular structure of chiral Fermi fields in conformal quantum field theory
(2014-09-19)The following thesis deals with the modular theory of Fermi fields in low dimensions; in particular, making use of the algebraic approach to quantum field theory, we have investigated the behaviour of two- dimensional ... -
A Characterization Theorem for Local Operators in Factorizing Scattering Models
(2013-01-10)In quantum field theory, the rigorous construction of local observables in the presence of nontrivial interaction is a crucial problem. In a class of integrable quantum field theories, a very abstract existence proof ... -
Superconformal Invariants and Correlation Functions
(2012-06-28)Results of the past decade on global conformal field theories within the framework of Wightman axioms raise the question of possible analogues for theories with superconformal symmetry. In this dissertation we establish ... -
Local Extensions of Completely Rational Conformal Quantum Field Theories
(2011-07-29)In the present work we addressed several important problems regarding local extensions of chiral conformal quantum field theories. We showed that by methods from the algebraic approach the ...