Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Dillmann, Andreas Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Experimentelle Untersuchung von thermohalinen Treppen in doppelt-diffusiver Konvektion
(2023-01-12)This study deals with the modeling of a laboratory experiment where steady states as well as transients of double diffusive staircases can be observed by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) in a fluid layer. A stabilizing ... -
Beeinflussung des laminar-turbulenten Grenzschichtumschlags durch kontrollierte Anregung stationärer Querströmungsinstabilitäten
(2021-07-09)The delay of laminar-turbulent transition, e.g. on aircraft wings, is of special interest because of the possible drag reduction. To study a nonlinear method for delaying crossflow-dominated transition called Upstream ... -
Experimental investigation of a sheared thermally unstable boundary layer
(2021-07-02)In many natural and industrial systems, heat is transported by mixed convection, where an externally driven flow causes advection of the temperature field in addition to the fluid motion due to buoyancy of differentially ... -
Identifizierung eines Flattermechanismus an einem superkritischen Profil unter laminarer Strömung
(2021-06-18)The transonic flow around elastic bodies can lead to complex, nonlinear aeroelastic interactions. So far, hardly any aeroelastic systems have been investigated in which the laminar-turbulent boundary layer transition ... -
Experimental investigation of coherent structures generated by active and passive separation control in turbulent backward-facing step flow
(2015-08-06)This dissertation presents the experimental investigation of coherent structures which were generated by active and passive separation control devices in a turbulent backward-facing step (BFS) flow. The Reynolds number was ... -
Experimental Acquisition and Characterisation of Large-Scale Flow Structures in Turbulent Mixed Convection
(2014-07-28)In this cumulative thesis, the superposition of shear flow and thermal convection, namely mixed convection, is investigated experimentally. The experiments were performed in a cuboidal sample with aspect ratios Gamma_xz = ... -
Boundary layers and wind in turbulent thermal convection
(2014-07-24)This cumulative thesis is based on seven publications and is devoted to the investigation of turbulent thermal convection by means of Direct Numerical Simulations (DNSs). Special focus is placed on the boundary layers and ... -
Spatial Scaling of Large-Scale Circulations and Heat Transport in Turbulent Mixed Convection
(2013-02-18)The present study reports an experimental investigation of the scaling of large-scale coherent structures, their dynamics and heat transport in turbulent mixed convection. Based on a concept of spatial scaling, mixed ... -
Dynamik und Bifurkationsverhalten eines getriebenen Oszillators mit frei aufliegender Dämpfermasse
(2011-06-22)A driven spring-mass system supplemented by a loosely mounted, freely sliding damper mass is investigated. This oscillator is a simple model of a damping principle applied to turbine blades ... -
Experimentelle Untersuchungen doppelt diffusiver Konvektion im Finger-Regime
(2010-07-30)An electrodeposition cell is used to sustain a destabilizing concentration difference of copper ions in aqueous solution between the top and bottom boundaries of the cell. The resulting ... -
On Soret Convection in Binary and Pseudo-Binary Liquid Mixtures
(2008-05-20)Soret convection in binary ethanol-water mixtures and a pseudo-binary microemulsion is experimentally investigated by means of velocity amplitude measurements and flow field visualisation. The results for the molecular ... -
Strukturbildung und Turbulenz
(2005-06-24)This work makes a contribution to the understanding of turbulent convection flows by numerically studying Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a fluid layer heated from below between two rigid ...