Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Glatzel, Wolfgang Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
Analysis of Space Weather Impacts on the Terrestrial Ionosphere and Development and Testing of a Coronagraph for Space Weather Forecasts
(2020-07-22)The ionosphere is a conductive layer of the Earth's atmosphere, characterised by the presence of free electrons. Through interaction with electromagnetic waves, it influences a wide spectrum of radio wave communications, ... -
Aerodynamische Wirkung schnell bewegter bodennaher Körper auf ruhende Objekte
(2017-06-23)In an unsteady flow field pressure variations lead to aerodynamic loads on objects like spheres or disks. Under the assumption of inviscid flow, the potential flow theory is a suitable method to predict aerodynamic loads ... -
On the stability of massive stars
(2017-01-16)On the basis of the equations for stellar structure together with an equation of state, stellar models may be constructed. Using these stellar models, the effects of different parameters on the evolution and internal ... -
Analysis of small scale solar magnetic fields using Hinode SOT/SP
(2014-07-23)This thesis presents an analysis of small magnetic structures found in the solar photosphere. All the work presented in the following chapters is primarily based on data obtained from the spectropolarimeter aboard the ... -
Observationally driven 3D MHD model of the solar corona above a magnetically active region
(2014-07-15)Context: The corona of the Sun can be observed since 1932 with instruments occulting the solar disc. Only few years later it became clear that the corona is way hotter than the visible solar surface and since then, the ... -
Die großräumige Umgebung von QSO/Seyfertgalaxien bei nahen und kosmologischen Rotverschiebungen
(2011-12-06)The goal of this thesis is to study the properties of galaxies in the environment of a quasar as a function of the characteristics of this central quasar. In addition, the galaxies in the ... -
Numerical Simulations of the Gravitational Geodynamo and its Time Spectrum
(2011-06-30)This work contributes to the understanding of the dynamo mechanism. Gravitationally driven and convection driven dynamo simulations are studied. We analyzed dynamo mostly from the spectral ... -
Magnetic Activity at the Poles of the Sun
(2008-11-11)This work sheds light on the role of polar faculae with respect to the global magnetic field of the Sun, on the basis of high spatial resolution spectropolarimetric observations, while ... -
Aerothermodynamische Untersuchung einer Wiedereintrittskonfiguration und ihrer Komponenten in einem impulsbetriebenen Hochenthalpie-Stoßkanal
(2008-05-30)During re-entry into the atmosphere of the earth at altitudes between 60 km to 80 km above ground, the kinetic energy of a re-entry vehicle is converted mostly into thermal energy of the ... -
Analysis of short-period waves in the solar chromosphere
(2005-07-15)Short-period acoustic waves were suggested as the source of the mechanical heating of the solar chromosphere. In this work the connection of the waves with the sub-photosphere, the temporal ... -
On the evolution and simulation of strange-mode instabilities
(2003-09-17)Sufficiently luminous objects, such as massive stars, suffer from strange mode instabilities with growth rates in the dynamical range. The boundary of the domain in the Hertzsprung-Russel ...