Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Herminghaus, Stephan Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 33
Structure and Dynamics of Discussions on the Social Media Platform Reddit
(2024-05-28)The last fifteen years have witnessed a tremendous rise in the impact of online social media on our lives. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Reddit have radically changed the way we communicate and consume ... -
Sustainable mobility with bi-modal public transport
(2024-02-27)The escalating problems of pollution, traffic congestion, resource consumption, and environmental degradation are becoming increasingly significant due to the growing demand for urban mobility. This mounting crisis is ... -
Resource Bounded Agency in Public goods Games
(2023-07-28)The new and emerging field of sociophysics aims to explain and understand collective behavior demonstrated by humans in a variety of domains. This usually requires to make some assumptions about the microscopic inter-human ... -
Ballistic electron transport in graphene nanodevices and billiards
(2019-10-17)Nanodevices are objects with broad relevance for today's society, which bases its economy, operation, and communication onto digital resources. In ballistic nanodevices, disorder has either negligible or minor impact on ... -
Driven granular gas with van der Waals interaction
(2019-03-26)Granular matter is a collection of solid particles which inelastically collide with each other with possible size range from 1 $\mu$m (like clays) to $1$ km (like some asteroids). Due to the characteristic of dissipation, ... -
Hydrodynamics of granular gases: clustering, universality and importance of subsonic convective waves
(2017-01-16)In this thesis we study a hydrodynamic Ansatz for granular gases. The structure of this thesis is the following. We start with a brief introduction into the kinetic theory of granular gases in Chapter 2 and we introduce ... -
Liquid Crystal Microswimmers - from single entities to collective dynamics
(2016-11-15)Recently, artificial self-propelled systems at low Reynolds numbers have gained a lot of attention. The main interest lies in mimicking well-studied systems, e.g. the active Brownian motion of bacteria, or in gaining deeper ... -
Liquid Crystals in Aqueous Ionic Surfactant Solutions: Interfacial Instabilities & Optical Applications
(2014-06-02)This thesis presents the properties and applications of various liquid crystal (LC)-aqueous ionic surfactant systems. It begins with the study of micellar solubilization of different LCs in aqueous ionic micellar solutions. ... -
Dynamics of soft interfaces in droplet-based microfluidics
(2014-04-30)This doctoral thesis presents the study of di erent dynamic processes occurring at the droplet interface, and the methods implemented for their study. The objective of this work is to unravel what are the important properties ... -
Contact Line Dynamics on Heterogeneous Substrates
(2014-04-14)Fluid interfaces in contact with solid substrates play an important role in fields ranging from microfluidics, over oil recovery and inkjet printing to coating processes. Effective models for the static wetting of structured ... -
Geometric structure and mechanical stability of disordered tetrahedra packings
(2013-12-18)In this study, the geometric structure of frictional, disordered tetrahedra packings is analysed in detail via X-ray Computed Tomography. The choice of the granulate is motivated by moving away from the "spherical cow" ... -
Structure formation and dynamics in molecularly thin smectic liquid crystal films
(2013-08-05)This doctoral thesis presents a study of thin films of smectic liquid crystals. This class of material shows the property to form stable films of only a few molecules thickness both on substrates and freely suspended in ... -
Biophysics of Blood Platelet Contraction
(2013-05-21)This work is part of a project on blood platelet contraction using an innovative double approach to experiments. First, we adapted the experimental technique, traction force microscopy (TFM), to our cellular system, and ... -
Length scales in granular matter
(2013-04-24)Jammed packings of granular materials differ from thermal systems normally described by statistical mechanics. In recent years a statistical mechanics of static granular media has emerged by using the volume of the system ... -
Structures and Self-Organization at Liquid Crystal Interfaces: Surface Ordering and Anchoring
(2013-04-22)This dissertation concerns research on the structures and self-organization at liquid crystal interfaces laden with surface-active molecules. Of particular interest are the surface ordering phenomena occurring at interfaces ... -
Nematic Liquid Crystals and Nematic Colloids in Microfluidic Environment
(2013-02-22)The doctoral thesis presented here is one of the first systematic attempts to unravel the wonderful world of liquid crystals within microfluidic confinements, typically channels with dimensions of tens of micrometers. The ... -
Impact of Complex Network Topology on Synchronization Dynamics
(2012-12-20)Synchrony is one of the most common dynamical states emerging on networks. The speed of convergence towards synchrony provides a fundamental collective time scale for synchronizing systems. Here we study the asymptotic ... -
Friction and diffusive light transport in a granular medium
(2012-03-05)This thesis presents experimental research on the statics and dynamics of granular media. In the first part, it is shown that the surface roughness, and thence the interparticle friction ... -
Elasticity and Morphology of Wet Fiber Networks
(2011-12-05)Fibrous materials are very commonplace in current technological applications. The study of their mechanics is an interesting topic that has previously been inspired by applications in the ... -
Towards autonomous soft matter systems: Experiments on membranes and active emulsions
(2011-09-02)This thesis presents experiments on lipid bilayer membranes and non-equilibrium phenomena in active emulsion droplets. In the first part, we outline a concept of self assembled soft matter ...