Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Jooß, Christian PD Dr."
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Magnetic field effects on the local tunneling conductivity of La0.75 Ca0.25 MnO3 /MgO thin films
(2008-08-29)Manganites are known for their exceptional properties, such as the metal-insulator transition (MIT) and the colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) effect. These materials show a very rich phase diagram in which the properties ... -
Ultraschallabsorptionsspektroskopie zur Untersuchung schneller molekularer Prozesse in Alkylglykosid-Lösungen
(2008-08-06)Alkylglycosides are molecules consisting of a hydrophobic alkyl chain and a hydrophilic head group, a glycoside. Due to this ambivalent structure of the molecules, above a specific concentration ... -
Grenzflächeneffekte in Manganatschichten
(2008-01-07)Interfaces play a major role in manganites and magnetoresistive systems. Thus, this work deals with the systematic analysis of the influence of interfaces on the transport properties of ... -
Struktureigenschaften und molekulare Dynamik flüssiger Ethylenglykol-Oligomere und ihrer Mischungen mit Wasser
(2007-08-14)The dynamics of chain isomerization in melts of ethylene glycol oligomers with molar masses between 62 and 600 g/mol are studied by means of broadband ultrasonic absorption measurements in ... -
Entwicklung eines quantitativen Verfahrens zur Streufeld- und Magnetisierungsbestimmung magnetischer Strukturen
(2007-07-31)This work deals with the full quantitative local reconstruction of magnetization distributions from measurements of the normal component of the magnetic stray field of micro- and nanostructured ... -
Current-Induced Excitations in Ferromagnetic Single Layer and Trilayer Nanodevices
(2007-06-27)The magnetization of a ferromagnetic nanostructure can be manipulated by a spin-polarized electrical current. Thus the switching mechanisms in Co/Cu/Co trilayers as well as in Co single ... -
Phase formation processes in the synthesis of boron nitride thin films
(2005-11-02)As a diamond-like material, cubic boron nitride (c-BN) exhibits extraordinary mechanical, electrical, chemical, and thermal properties, making it a promising material for corrosion- and ... -
Magnetische Grenzflächeneffekte in Doppellagen aus V2O3 und den ferromagnetisch geordneten Übergangsmetallen
(2005-01-05)Epitaxially grown thin films of Vanadiumsesquioxide (V2O3) exhibit a metal-insulator transition around 170 K accompanied by antiferromagnetic ordering. This behaviour is well ... -
Untersuchungen zur Korngrenzensegregation in nanokristallinen Al-Cu- und Co-P-Legierungen mittels 3d-Atomsondentomographie
(2003-11-28)The objective of this work is the characterization of nanocrystalline Al-Cu and Co-P alloys by means of the tomographic atom probe (TAP) and other characterizing techniques. It is of ...