Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Manmana, Salvatore R. PD Dr."
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Eigenstate overlaps in the Transverse Field Ising Model and the Axial Next Nearest Neighbour Model
(2024-05-03)In this thesis, a possible extension of the adiabatic theorem for quantum quenches, i.e. non-adiabatic changes, is checked for its validity. In particular, the Transverse Field Ising Model (TFIM) and the related Axial Next ... -
Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Photoexcited Correlated Quantum Matter
(2024-01-22)The interaction of time-dependent electromagnetic fields with electrons in quantum materials can give rise to many both fundamentally interesting as well as technologically relevant phenomena like transient band structure ... -
Topological charge pumping in ultracold quantum gases
(2023-09-13)A topological charge pump is a one-dimensional, dynamical analogue of a quantum Hall system that is particularly well suited for studying topology, both theoretically and experimentally, since no synthetic gauge fields are ... -
Tripartite Information and Scrambling in Quantum Many-Body Systems
(2023-05-11)This thesis contributes to the study of quantum chaos and thermalization of closed quantum systems by applying tools from quantum information theory. We study scrambling – the delocalization of quantum information – in ... -
Matrix Product State Approaches to Non-equilibrium Spectral Quantities of Strongly Correlated Fermions in One Dimension
(2022-06-09)In this thesis we numerically study non-equilibrium phenomena in one-dimensional quantum many-body systems. We discuss extensions of the concepts of spectral functions and of the optical conductivity to time-dependent ... -
Topological and non-equilibrium superconductivity in low-dimensional strongly correlated quantum systems
(2020-05-11)Superconductivity in its various manifestations has been stimulating both experimental and theoretical progress in condensed-matter physics for more than a hundred years. The remarkable property of electrons to pair up ... -
New methods for the ab-initio simulation of correlated systems
(2019-03-12)Strong electronic correlations are at the heart of many interesting phenomena. For the theoretical description of these materials, a proper treatment of the local atomic physics is required. We propose a novel approach ... -
Photoexcitations of Model Manganite Systems using Matrix-Product States
(2019-01-30)The emergence of order in materials with strongly-correlated electrons in out-of-equilibrium situations inspires a lot of new research, both experimental and theoretical. The main goal of this theoretical research project ... -
Unconventional Phases in Two-Dimensional Hubbard and Kondo-Lattice Models by Variational Cluster Approaches
(2017-03-31)Materials with strongly correlated electrons show a multitude of unconventional phenomena, such as superconductivity or magnetism, that cannot be explained in a single-particle picture and necessitate to take many-body ... -
Thermalization in one-dimensional quantum-many-body systems
(2017-01-16)We consider the thermalization of the momentum distribution in two one-dimensional models. The first one is the integrable Hubbard model with an additional integrability breaking term in the Hamiltonian, which is a ...