Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Marowsky, Gerd Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
Advanced x-ray multilayer waveguide optics
(2017-09-12)The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate that x-ray waveguide optics can be gen- eralized from a single guiding film to an array of planar waveguides, enabling more complex and controllable phenomena of field propagation ... -
Herstellung von Optiken für weiche Röntgenstrahlung und deren Charakterisierung an Labor- und Synchrotronstrahlungsquellen
(2012-03-29)Within the last decades soft X-ray microscopy methods win increasing importance. Labratory-scale laser-induced plasma sources make this radiation available to a larger community of researchers ... -
Spektroskopische Erfassung der Gastemperatur im Brennraum von Ottomotoren
(2010-03-26)It is necessary to know the temperature of the fuel-air-mixture within combustion chambers in oder to develop new engine systems or to optimize existing combustion processes. In this work ... -
Soft X-ray stereo microscopy for investigation of dynamics and elemental distribution of colloidal systems from the environment
(2010-03-12)Soil colloids are classified to be in a size range of 1nm to 1μm. Their huge specific surface determines the interactions of the soil colloids, which differ from the behaviour of the same ... -
Markierungsfreie Proteinanalytik mit oberflächenverstärkter Ramanspektroskopie
(2009-12-15)The determination of biological functions of proteins in metabolism is an important discipline in the field of life sciences. The search for marker proteins, correlated directly to pathological ... -
Multivariate Korrektur des Temperatureinflusses in der NIR-spektroskopischen Materialfeuchtebestimmung
(2009-06-08)The market of process measurement technology grows continuously and the need of universal measurement technologies for quality control increases steadily. The most important parameter of ... -
Dielektrische Wellenleitergitter in Resonanz
(2009-06-08)The combination of a planar waveguide and a one-dimensional diffraction grating allows to couple polarized monochromatic light under a given incident angle into and totally out of the ... -
Entwicklung optischer Feldmessverfahren zur Charakterisierung mikrofluidischer Mischungsvorgänge
(2008-05-09)The two dimensional Molecular Tagging Velocimetry (2D-MTV) is used to measure velocity fields of the flow in a micro mixer. Instead of commonly used micro particles an optical tagging of the flow is performed by using ... -
Faseroptische Gemischbildungsanalyse in Otto-Motoren bei direkteinspritzenden Brennverfahren
(2005-01-12)The mixture formation process in gasoline direct injection engines is very complex and depends strongly on thermodynamic processes mainly induced by the engine geometrie. Most of the optical ... -
Laser nitriding of metals:Influences of the ambient pressure and the pulse duration
(2002-03-01)Laser nitriding of metals such as iron, stainless steel, aluminum or titanium is an interesting phenomenon both in physics and industry. On a time scale of hundreds nanoseconds, high intensity ... -
Diffraktive Phasenelemente für partiell-kohärente UV-Laserstrahlung
(2001-07-25)Diffractive phase elements (DPE) are suited for beam shaping of coherent laser radiation. The height profile of the DPE changes the phase of the incomming laser beam to shape the angular ...