Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Marsch, Eckart Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Kinetische Plasmaprozesse und Welle-Teilchen-Wechselwirkung von Ionen im schnellen Sonnenwind
(2006-04-07)Many important properties of the fast solar wind may only be explained by plasma waves that interact with solar-wind particles. The quasi-linear approximation to this interaction, which is ... -
A feasibility study about the use of vector tomography for the reconstruction of the coronal magnetic field
(2006-03-20)The magnetic field contains the dominant energy per unit volume in the solar corona and therefore plays an important role in most coronal phenomena. But until now, no direct measurement of ... -
Equatorial Coronal Holes and Their Relation to the High-Speed Solar Wind Streams
(2003-11-18)The heating of the solar corona and the origin and acceleration of the solar wind are among the important unsolved problems of space plasma and solar physics. Coronal holes (CHs) have been ... -
Kleinskalige Magnetfelder der Sonne und ihr Einfluß auf Chromosphäre, Übergangszone und Korona
(2001-09-21)During coordinated international observation campaign with the ground-based telescopes GCT (Gregory-Coudé-Telescope) and VTT (Vacuum-Tower-Telescope) and the UV/EUV Telescope SUMER ...