Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Marsh, David Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Simulations of Cosmological Structure Formation with Nonrelativistic Scalar Fields
(2023-01-20)Nonrelativistic, self-gravitating scalar fields are of current interest in several scenarios of cosmological structure formation. This includes the gravitational clustering of dark matter in the late-time Universe which ... -
Axion Miniclusters: Formation, Structure and Observational Signatures
(2022-09-29)The axion is one of the leading candidates for cosmological dark matter. It arises as the pseudo-Goldstone boson of a spontaneously broken global U(1) symmetry. If this symmetry is broken after inflation, cosmic string ... -
Simulations of Bosonic Dark Matter
(2021-11-05)Dark matter is a hypothetical form of matter, which is thought to make up nearly $27\%$ of the contents in our Universe. An increasingly popular idea is that the dark matter could be composed of light (pseudo-)scalar ... -
Galaxy Formation With Ultralight Bosonic Dark Matter
(2020-05-18)Ultralight bosonic particles forming a coherent state are dark matter candidates with distinctive wave-like behaviour on the scale of dwarf galaxies and below. In this thesis, a new simulation technique for ultralight ... -
Structure Formation with Ultralight Axion Dark Matter
(2019-09-23)Ultralight axion is a scalar field with an extremely small mass $\sim10^{-22} eV$. It is proposed as an alternative dark matter candidate to the standard cold dark matter (CDM). If self-interactions between axions can be ... -
Refining the chemical and kinetic decoupling description of thermally produced dark matter
(2019-03-26)The first part of this thesis deals with refined theoretical predictions of the thermal relic abundance for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs). Methods are developed in a model independent way to describe the ... -
Simulating Structure Formation with Ultra-light Bosonic Dark Matter
(2019-01-16)Despite being a cornerstone of the standard model of cosmology, the exact nature of dark matter (DM) remains unknown. The lack of evidence for weakly interacting massive particles that could constitute DM is generating ...