Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Mayr, Stefan G. Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Struktur, Wachstum und Phasenumwandlungen dünner Eisen-Palladium Schichten
(2010-09-06)Iron-Palladium is a modern functional material, which shows a great variety of physical effects that can be used in many different technical applications. In this work, the influence of ... -
Phasenbildung, Phasenübergang und mechanische Eigenschaften des Funktionsmaterials Eisen-Palladium
(2010-09-03)The alloy Iron-Palladium is a smart material whose properties can be strongly influenced in several ways. If the Palladium content is about 30%, the material undergoes a martensitic ... -
Topographie, Struktur und Dynamik thermisch aufgedampfter Polymerfilme
(2009-08-28)Due to the demand for nanostructuring and miniaturization investigation of thin films is an important field of research. In this context the question of stability and self-organized structure ... -
Strukturbildung und Rauigkeiten an Grenzflächen des Ni-Ag-Legierungssystems
(2008-05-30)The systematic alteration of surface and interface structure is of special interest particularly in the field of thin film and nanotechnology where either smooth or specifically patterned ... -
Glättungsmechanismen beim Ionenbeschuss rauer amorpher Oberflächen
(2008-03-18)Investigation of surface structures constitutes a broad field of contemporary research. Particularly due to proceeding miniaturization of electronic devices controlling the formation and evolution of surfaces and ... -
Wasserstoffabsorption in epitaktischen Niobschichten: eine STM-Studie
(2007-02-19)In this work the phase transition of the system Niobium Hydrogen in thin films was investigated. The epitaxial Niobium films were fabricated using ion sputtering on sapphire substrates. The ... -
Wachstumsanalyse amorpher dicker Schichten und Schichtsysteme
(2004-07-14)Based on a stochastic partial differential equation, surface morphology evolution of growing amorphous thin films can be described. For enhancement and verification of the applicability to ...