Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Pruschke, Thomas Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Quantum Magnetism, Nonequilibrium Dynamics and Quantum Simulation of Correlated Quantum Systems
(2017-05-18)The theoretical and experimental investigation of strongly correlated quantum systems in- and out-of-equilibrium has been a recent focus of research in condensed matter physics. In this Habilitation thesis, I present ... -
Finite-temperature dynamics of low-dimensional quantum systems with DMRG methods
(2016-08-17)This thesis is concerned with the numerical study of one-dimensional (1D) spin-1/2 quantum magnets and related method development. Its focus is on the calculation of dynamical spin correlation functions both at zero and ... -
Dual Fermion Approach to Disordered Correlated Systems
(2015-11-05)Disorder is ubiquitous in real materials and influences the physical properties like the conductivity to varying degrees. If electron-electron interactions are strong, theoretical and numerical treatment of these systems ... -
Superconductivity and Antiferromagnetism in the Kondo-Lattice Model
(2013-10-11)In this thesis, antiferromagnetic and superconducting order in the Kondo-lattice model is investigated by means of the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) in combination with the numerical renormalization group (NRG) method. ... -
Scanning tunneling spectroscopy of magnetic bulk impurities: From a single Kondo atom towards a coupled system
(2013-03-06)This thesis focuses on single impurity Kondo physics and the transition towards coupled Kondo systems in real space. Single magnetic iron and cobalt and non magnetic silver atoms embedded below a copper surface are ... -
Spectral functions of low-dimensional quantum systems
(2013-01-24)The focus of this thesis is set on the calculation of spectral functions for low-dimensional quantum systems. At first the quantum many-body problem is introduced and the related spectral functions of interest are defined. ... -
Imaginary-Time Approach to the Kondo Effect out of Equilibrium
(2012-07-10)An artificial quantum dot which is attached to two leads exhibits a non-equilibrium Kondo effect due to the presence of a finite source-drain voltage. The construction of a theory which provides numerically computable ... -
Thermodynamic and spectral properties of quantum many-particle systems
(2011-02-15)The investigation of quantum many-particle systems is a central goal of modern condensed-matter physics. Complex physical phenomena such as high-temperature superconductivity, heavy fermion ... -
Measuring the Free Energy of Self-assembling Systems in Computer Simulation
(2010-01-27)Membrane fusion is involved in a multitude of biological processes like endo- and exocytosis, viral infection or synaptic release. The detailed mechanism, however, is not well understood ... -
Magnetische Phasen im Hubbardmodel
(2010-01-14)This work deals with the calculation of magnetic properties for strongly correlated electron systems. One of most important model in this field of physics is the Hubbard model. It describes the situation of, for example, ... -
Funktionale Renormierungsgruppe für Nichtgleichgewichtsphänomene in Vielteilchensysteme
(2008-02-19)The aim of this work is the extension of the functional renormalization group (FRG) formalism to treat non-equilibrium situations. To this end, we reformulate the FRG equations in terms of the Keldysh method which is ... -
Magneto-microphotoluminescence spectroscopy as a tool for the study of disorder in semiconductor quantum wells
(2007-06-13)This work contributes to the understanding of the relation between structural and optical properties of dimensionally reduced semiconductor heterostructures at the model system of thin ...