Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Ulbrich, Rainer G. Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 23
Electronic and Magnetic Properties of the Fe/GaAs(110) Interface
(2016-02-29)Metal-semiconductor interfaces are present in every semiconductor device and are therefore of fundamental importance in modern technology. In this thesis we investigate the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties ... -
Graphen auf Siliziumcarbid: elektronische Eigenschaften und Ladungstransport
(2014-06-10)In this thesis the local electronic as well as charge transport properties down to atomic length scales of epitaxial graphene on the SiC(0001) surface are investigated. To achieve this, next to well known scanning probe ... -
Differentielle interferometrische Partikelverfolgung mit Subnanometer- und Submillisekundenauflösung
(2013-09-06)Single-particle tracking experiments have provided the opportunity to monitor dynamical processes on length scales from millimeter to subnanometer. Especially in biology, where relevant processes on the molecular level ... -
Scanning tunneling spectroscopy of magnetic bulk impurities: From a single Kondo atom towards a coupled system
(2013-03-06)This thesis focuses on single impurity Kondo physics and the transition towards coupled Kondo systems in real space. Single magnetic iron and cobalt and non magnetic silver atoms embedded below a copper surface are ... -
Buckling Type, Domain Boundaries and Donor Atoms: Atomic Scale Characterization of the Si(111)-2x1 Surface
(2013-03-01)In this thesis, three different aspects of the Si(111)-2x1 surface are investigated in more detail: positive and negative buckling of the pi-bonded chains, mobility of domain boundaries and signatures of phosphorus (P) ... -
Scanning tunneling spectroscopy of space charge regions in semiconductors: From single donor to heterostructure systems
(2012-05-22)The space charge region in combination with the band edge profile is fundamental for the understanding of semiconductor physics. Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy (STS) is a useful tool to investigate ... -
Wave optical simulations for x-ray nano-focusing optics
(2012-02-22)Curved x-ray multilayer mirrors focus synchrotron beams down to tens of nano metres. A wave-optical theory describing propagation of two waves in an elliptically curved focusing multilayer ... -
Fluorescence nanoscopy in three dimensions
(2010-03-11)Live-cell microscopy faces two challenges when neither the spatial nor the temporal information about the specimen should be lost. First, the microscope must be able to resolve the smallest ... -
Untersuchung der lokalen strukturellen und elektronischen Eigenschaften von Fe-GaAs Schottky-Kontakten mit atomar aufgelöster Raster-Tunnel-Mikroskopie in Querschnittsgeometrie
(2009-11-03)In this paper we present the first real space investigation of the Fe-GaAs{110} interface with Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy across the interface. This new approach enables ... -
Structural and optical impact of transition metal implantation into zinc oxide single crystals and nanowires
(2009-04-30)Transition metal alloyed zinc oxide (ZnO) materials are promising candidates for spin-based electronics (spintronics) and optoelectronic applications. The interaction between the ZnO host ... -
Scanning Tunnelling Spectroscopy of Subsurface Magnetic Atoms in Copper
(2009-04-08)This thesis describes a study of subsurface magnetic impurities using low-temperature scanning tunnelling spectroscopy. Single Cobalt and Iron impurities have been prepared up to 15 ML below ... -
Das elektrochemische Potential auf der atomaren Skala: Untersuchung des Ladungstransports eines stromtragenden zweidimensionalen Elektronengases mit Hilfe der Raster-Tunnel-Potentiometrie
(2009-01-09)This thesis reports on the investigation of charge transport through a two-dimensional electron gas of the Si(111)(√3x√3)-Ag reconstruction as a prototype of electrical conductors by means of Scanning Tunneling Potentiometry ... -
Atomic Scale Images of Acceptors in III-V Semiconductors
(2008-04-04)This thesis reports measurements of single dopant atoms in III-V semiconduc-tors with low temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) and Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy (STS). It ... -
Ground State Depletion Fluorescence Microscopy
(2008-01-16)Microscopy is one of the most important analysis tools of modern science. One defining attribute of a microscope is its resolution as it specifies the minimum distance at which one can ... -
Magneto-microphotoluminescence spectroscopy as a tool for the study of disorder in semiconductor quantum wells
(2007-06-13)This work contributes to the understanding of the relation between structural and optical properties of dimensionally reduced semiconductor heterostructures at the model system of thin ... -
Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy of Co-impurified Noble Metal Surfaces: Kondo-Effect, Electronic Surface States and Diffusive Atom Transport
(2004-11-12)The scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) was used to investigate the properties of nanoscale structures on (111)-oriented Ag and Cu films. The special focus is on their electronic states ... -
Lanthanide Doped Wide Band Gap Semiconductors: Intra-4f Luminescence and Lattice Location Studies
(2004-03-03)The doping of semiconductors with lanthanides is a promising way to realize light emitters, their luminescence arising from radiative electron transitions within the 4f shell of the triply ... -
Rauhigkeit und Durchmischung der Grenzflächen in laserdeponierten Cu-Ag- und Fe-Ag-Schichtsystemen
(2002-11-21)Due to the high kinetic energy of the ions that are produced during pulsed laser deposition, thin films prepared by this method show a number of marked differences when compared to films ... -
Amplituden- und phasenaufgelöste Polariton-Pulspropagation in GaAs bei niedrigen und mittleren Elektron-Loch-Plasmadichten
(2002-03-01)High resolution amplitude and phase measurements with interferometric crosscorrelation are reported on polariton pulse progapation through ultrapure Galliumarsenide. The measurement technique and various pump and probe ... -
Raster-Thermospannungs-Mikroskopie der Interferenz von Elektronenwellen auf der Au(111)-Oberfläche
(2002-02-18)The interference pattern of scattered electron waves is studied for the 2D-electron gas of the Au(111)-surface. For this purpose, the local thermovoltage across the tunneling junction of ...