Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Volkert, Cynthia Prof."
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Untersuchungen der Wärmekapazität von Nanopartikeln und Multilagen mit der nanokalorimetrischen Methode
(2018-07-23)The heat capacity of samples with characteristic sizes in the nanometer range can differ strongly from the bulk heat capacity. For small samples, surface phonons and mechanical strain have an important effect on the phonon ... -
TEM in-situ Untersuchungen an Ti-Ni basierten Formgedächtnislegierungen
(2018-05-03)Shape memory alloys (SMAs) are named after their ability to recover plastic deformation upon heating and return to their original undeformed shape. The key mechanism responsible for this behavior is a reversible diffusionless ... -
Avalanche Dynamics and Magnetoelastic Coupling in Metallic Glasses
(2018-02-19)This work is devoted to the study of the magnetoelastic coupling in metallic glasses. Such study is done by means of the statistical analysis of the intermittency of the deformation signal yield as a consequence of a ... -
Nanotribologische Untersuchungen an Dünnschicht-Manganaten: Phononische Beiträge zur Reibung auf der Nanometerskala
(2018-01-31)Even though friction is often described by straight-forward empirical laws, its fundamental cause is by no means simple. Many of the fundamental excitations at the nanoscale contact are strongly coupled making it challenging ... -
The microstructural investigation of continuous-wave laser irradiated silicon rich silicon oxide
(2017-12-21)In this thesis, we systematically studied optical and structural properties of continuous wave laser irradiated silicon rich silicon oxide by a series of characterization methods: AFM, micro-Raman, micro-PL, HCDF, HRTEM, ... -
Nonlinear Response and Avalanche Behavior in Metallic Glasses
(2017-08-29)The response to different stress amplitudes at temperatures below the glass transition temperature is measured by mechanical oscillatory excitation of Pd40Ni40P20 metallic glass samples in single cantilever bending geometry. ...