Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Winzer, Klaus Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Characterization of the electronic properties of LaIrIn5: calculations, transport-, heat capacity- and de Haas-van Alphen-experiments
(2007-02-26)The system LaIrIn5 constitutes the reference model for the 115-class of rare-earth intermetallic compounds. Some of them are heavy-fermion systems showing, besides superconductivity and magnetism, anomalous conduction ... -
Elektronische Eigenschaften neuer dotierter Halbleiter
(2006-12-11)The properties of the boron-doped diamond are sensitive to the boron concentration. A semiconducting behaviour occurs at low boron concentration and transport properties are given by a ... -
Herstellung und Charakterisierung metallorganisch deponierter Pufferschichten für YBa2Cu3O7
(2004-01-09)In this work the growth of buffer layers for the high temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O7 by metal-organic-deposition (MOD) is investigated. Texture formation in CeO2-, Gd-doped CeO2 (CGO)- ... -
Oxidation und epitaktische Oxidation von Nickel und Nickellegierung
(2002-11-08)Strongly textured superconducting YBaCuO tapes can be prepared by an epitaxial deposition on thermo-mechanically textured metal tapes (RABiTS) covered with an oxide buffer layer as a diffusion ... -
Manufacturing and irradiation of thin transition metal nitride films
(2001-11-07)Thin iron and nickel nitride films were produced by reactive magnetron sputtering. The influence of the deposition parameters on the properties of the films was investigated in detail using a combination of analyzing ... -
Streuexperimente mit Wasserstoff- und Heliumstrahlen zur Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung von H2, N2 und C2H2 mit den (001)-Oberflächen von LiF, NaCl, KCl und MgO
(2001-09-24)In the present work the interaction of hydrogen, nitrogen and acetylene with the surfaces of ionic crystals has been investigated. These studies use the scattering of molecular hydrogen beams from clean surfaces as well ... -
Charakterisierung elektronischer und magnetischer Eigenschaften in Seltenen Erd-Borkarbiden
(2000-08-21)This thesis deals with the experimental characterisation of electronic and magnetic properties in single crystalline RE-borocarbides. Measurements of dHvA-oscillations in the nonmagnetic ...