Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor "Rizzi, Angela Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Atomic and electronic structure of the cleaved non-polar 6H-SiC(11-20) and GaN(1-100) surfaces
(2009-08-05)The title of this Ph.D. thesis is Atomic and electronic structure of the cleaved non-polar 6H-SiC(11-20) and GaN(1-100) surfaces . It shows the results of a combined experimental and ... -
Development of InGaN/GaN nanostructures
(2017-02-06)In this work, the mechanisms regulating the selective area growth (SAG) of GaN-based nanostructures have been investigated, under different growth conditions, with the aim of improving the control over the growth of InGaN/GaN ... -
Ferromagnetismus bei Raumtemperatur in mehrphasigen (Ga,Mn)N Schichten und Heterostrukturen
(2009-09-15)(Ga,Mn)N is a GaN-based dilute magnetic semiconductor (DMS) and thus a promising system for semiconductor spintronic applications. Within the scope of this thesis thin layers of Mn doped ... -
GaN:Gd - Ein verdünnter magnetischer Halbleiter?
(2011-03-09)In this thesis the magnetic properties of GaN:Gd layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) are adressed. Structural analysis confirmes the substitutional incorporation of Gd on a Ga site ... -
InN and In-rich InGaN Nanocolumns by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
(2012-02-01)The focus of this thesis is on InN and InGaN semiconductor-nanowires. The aim is to gain a deeper understanding of the electronic properties of InN nanowires and the growth mechanisms of ... -
Optische Eigenschaften von verdünnten magnetischen Halbleitern auf GaN-Basis
(2008-06-26)Various GaN-based diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) were characterized in the course of this work. The main topic was GaMnN and there especially the relation between growth conditions ... -
Position-controlled selective area growth of Ga-polar GaN nanocolumns by molecular beam epitaxy
(2013-12-19)This thesis focuses on the position-controlled selective area growth of Ga-polar GaN nanocolumns by molecular beam epitaxy. Part I of this thesis reviews the theoretical background which is considered to be vital for the ... -
Spin injection in MnGa/ GaN heterostructures
(2016-01-12)Due to the perfect epitaxial match of ferromagnetic MnGa on GaN and spin transport properties of GaN (long spin life time), the hybride MnGa/GaN is a promising material for future spintronic devices to examine. The ... -
Structural, magnetic and electrical transport properties of GaN-based magnetic semiconductors and hybrid structures
(2011-05-24)Semiconductors, materials in which the charge transport can be well controlled, are at present invaluable ingredients in the emerging field of information technology. The elemental modules ... -
Towards high electron mobility in Gan(0001) based InGaN and AlGaN heterostructures
(2011-11-18)In this work, the MBE growth of GaN/InGaN and GaN/AlGaN heterostructures was optimized with respect to high electron mobilities in two dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) at low temperatures. ...