Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Advisor "Steinem, Claudia Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 21-31 of 31
In vitro studies of protein interactions on substrate supported artificial membranes
(2013-02-12)Protein interactions that take place at the interface of a membrane are abundant within cellular organisms. Hence, surface coupled protein interactions are a matter of ongoing scientific investigation. In this work, elected ... -
Funktionelle Rekonstitution von Connexonen in artifizielle Membranen: Expression, Reinigung und Charakterisierung von Connexin 43
(2012-11-19)Connexin 43 (Cx43) is the most prominent member of the connexin family in mammalian tissues. In biological lipid membranes, six connexin subunits assemble into a hemichannel (connexon). Direct communication of apposing ... -
Entwicklung eines Fusionsassays basierend auf porenüberspannenden Membranen
(2011-11-09)Fusion of biological membranes is a central requirement for many cellular processes. In recent years a great variety of fusion assays based on artificial membrane systems has been developed. ... -
Das vollständige HIV-1 Tat Protein überquert Lipidmembranen? Einfluss des positiven Ladungsclusters und des N-terminalen Bereichs
(2011-10-10)HIV-1 Tat belongs to the accessory proteins of HIV and has regulatory functions during the transcription of the viral RNA. Tat is concentrated in the nucleus and nucleolus of infected cells. ... -
Directing macromolecular assemblies by tailored surface functionalizations of nanoporous alumina
(2011-05-19)Anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) is a nanoporous material with parallel, hexagonally-ordered, cylindrical pores running straight through the material s thickness. A method to deposit highly ... -
Dynamische Strukturen am Zellcortex: Aktivierbarkeit und Akkumulation von Ezrin in Abhängigkeit von PIP2
(2011-03-23)Ezrin, a member of the ezrin/radixin/moesin (ERM) protein family, acts as a membrane-cytoskeleton linker, thereby participating in a variety of cellular events. The N-terminal region of ... -
Integration von Connexonen in Lipidmembranen auf porösen Oberflächen
(2010-08-18)Connexin26 (Cx26) is a member of the connexin family, the building blocks for gap junction intercellular channels. These dodecameric assemblies are involved in gap junction-mediated ... -
Die Biomineralisation von Silica: Langkettige Polyamine und Aminolipide als selbstorganisierende Template für biomimetische Präzipitationen
(2010-02-09)Long-chain polyamines are thought to play an important role in the formation of the hierarchically structured silica cell walls of diatoms. We determined the influence of structural variations ... -
Laterale Organisation von Shiga Toxin gebunden an Gb3-haltige Modellmembranen
(2009-07-15)The aim of this study was to elucidate lateral organization of bound STxB (Shiga Toxin, B-subunit) and the reorganization of lipids upon protein binding by means of high-resolution scanning ... -
Hochohmige porenüberspannende Lipidmembranen: Elektrochemische Untersuchungen zur Aktivität von Gramicidin und Bacteriorhodpsin
(2009-07-14)To study transmembrane proteins they need to be integrated in a lipid environment to preserve their functionality. For this purpose, model membranes have been developed which allow the ... -
HIV-1 Nef destabilisiert artifizielle Membransysteme: Untersuchung der Bedeutung des Myristoylankers und des positiven Ladungsclusters
(2009-06-22)The HIV-1 Nef protein belongs to the so-called accessory proteins and is critical for optimal viral replication and the pathogenesis of AIDS. It is supposed that the functions of Nef require ...