Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Referee "Pawelzik, Elke Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 21-40 of 61
Multivariate analysis and artificial neural network approaches of near infrared spectroscopic data for non-destructive quality attributes prediction of Mango (Mangifera indica L.)
(2014-03-07)Mango is one of the most important and popular tropical fruits for people around the world due to its taste, appearance and excellent overall nutritional source from which lead to a heavy demand in world fruit market. With ... -
Fusarium-Artenspektren an Halmbasis und Körnern von Weizen in unterschiedlichen Weizenfruchtfolgen
(2013-12-03)In the present study the composition of Fusarium species spectra on stem bases and grains of wheat and their colonization rates were investigated under the conditions of a wheat crop rotation experiment existing since 2006. ... -
Identification of Export Opportunities for Syrian Citrus Growers to the EU: A Supply Chain Perspective
(2013-07-19)Syrian agriculture faces new opportunities in a liberalized trading world. The European Union has been one of the most important new markets for the Syrian citrus output but trading among the neighbors has to expand in ... -
Halmbasis- und Wurzelkrankheitserreger an Weizen (Trititcum aestivum L.) in Energiefruchtfolgen und Bedeutung des Halmbasisbefalls mit Fusarium culmorum (W. G. Smith) Sacc. und Fusarium graminearum (Schwabe) für die Mykotoxin-Kontamination der Pflanze
(2013-04-16)In the present study, the impact of energy crop rotations on stem basis and root pathogens of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was evaluated by means of a two-way factorial design in field trials conducted at two locations ... -
Genetic variation and inheritance of secondary seed dormancy in winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)
(2012-11-29)Secondary seed dormancy in oilseed rape is a phenomenon that allows seeds to survive in the soil for many years without germination. Following soil cultivation, dormant seeds may germinate in subsequent years and are the ... -
Colonization of maize with Fusarium spp. and mycotoxin accumulation
(2012-01-06)Ear rot caused by Fusarium spp. is a serious disease of maize plants worldwide, which can be divided in two types: Red ear rot or Gibberella ear rot (GER), and Pink ear rot or Fusarium ear rot (FER). Apart from impairment ... -
Fusarium infection of bread wheat and subsequent mycotoxin contamination of milling products: Impact on quality parameters and composition of flour
(2011-12-15)Fusarium head blight (FHB) of wheat is a worldwide occurring disease reducing both grain yield and wheat quality. Grain quality is primarily degraded because of mycotoxins produced by several ... -
Brassica - Wildarten als neue genetische Ressource für die Rapszüchtung
(2011-12-14)The genetic base in the material which is available in rapeseed breeding is very limited in comparison with other crops such as wheat or maize which are used for a very long time by humans. ... -
Landtechnische Methoden zur Erfassung von Bodenverdichtungen
(2011-11-10)Sustainable use of arable soil is essential for world food security. Soil degradation by over-compaction is counteracting this goal. Long-term conventional tillage (plough) and heavy ... -
Studien zur Aminosäurenwirksamkeit beim Mastgeflügel unter spezifischer Betrachtung der schwefelhaltigen Aminosäuren
(2011-10-06)Based on a verified nonlinear N-utilization model (GEBHARDT 1966, Samadi und Liebert 2008), the objective of this investigation was to determine the amino acid efficiency of broiler chicken ... -
Breeding for a reduced glucosinolate content in the green mass of rapeseed to improve its suitability for biogas production
(2011-08-03)Brassica napus L., a plant that belongs to the Brassicaceae family is one of the main oil crops. Inside its seeds glucosinolates appear to be the main secondary glycoside, sugar containing ... -
Entmischung von kornähnlichen Epoxydharz-Markern in Weizen - Einfluss von Fördertechnik und Silolagerung
(2011-07-05)It is the special characteristics of bulk materials such as cereals which present major difficulties for present-day traceability systems (e.g. funnel flow in silos). Using grain-like markers ... -
Ramularia collo-cygni an Gerste
(2011-07-04)A differentiation tool for symptomatically similar barley diseases developed in the course of researching this doctoral dissertation has wide practical applicability. However, R. collo-cygni ... -
Untersuchungen zur Energiegewinnung mit einem Solardach-Luft-Kollektor
(2011-03-21)It was already shown by Grimm (1984) and Lücke (1984) in the 1980s that roofs covered by commercially available metal profiles used in connection with a heat pump were suitable for the ... -
Regulation der Biosynthese von Sekundärmetaboliten und praktische Nutzung von Pflanzenextraktem am Beispiel von Streptomyces bottropensis und Plasmopara viticola
(2011-02-08)Bacterial and herbal secondary metabolites make up an enormous reservoir of substances which can benefit towards mammalian diseases and protect plants against phytopathogens. While the ... -
The biological role of Fusarium graminearum mycotoxins
(2011-01-27)F. graminearum is an important pathogen that causes head blight and root rot in wheat and ear and root rot in maize. Because of its toxigenic nature most of the diseased crops are found to ... -
Fusarium-Befall bei Emmer und Nacktgerste
(2010-11-10)The results of the thesis showed that emmer was highly susceptible to F. graminearum and F. culmorum infection and trichothecene accumulation, but naked barley had a relatively low ... -
Genetische und agronomische Charakterisierung von Raps-Mutanten mit gesteigertem Ölsäuregehalt
(2010-04-15)The main breeding objectives of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) have always been to increase yield, yield components, disease and pest resistance and more recently the seed quality too. The ... -
Zertifizierungssysteme im Agribusiness - Bewertung aus Anwendersicht und internationale Entwicklungen
(2009-10-28)The dissertation consists of four different parts which focus on the overall topic of certification schemes in agribusiness. After an introduction the first part refers to the evaluation ... -
Die Neigung zu Schwarzfleckigkeit bei Kartoffeln (Solanum tuberosum) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Knollenphysiologie
(2009-10-21)Mechanical impact caused by harvesting and handling operations enhanced the susceptibility towards blackspot of potato tubers. Blackspot reduced the internal quality of potato tubers, which ...