Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Title
Now showing items 3259-3278 of 5545
Multi-modal Statistics of Local Image Structures and its Applications for Depth Prediction
(2008-02-12)Processing in most artificial vision systems and in the human vision system starts with early vision which involves the extraction of local visual modalities (like optical flow, disparity and contrast transition etc.) ... -
Multi-omics studies of RNA polymerase II transcription regulation by cyclin-dependent kinases
(2024-10-30)Phosphorylation of the C-terminal repeat domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase II (Pol II) plays a central role in the regulation of gene transcription in eukaryotes. In yeast and mammals, the CTD is highly conserved and consists ... -
Multi-parameter assessment of mechano-sensitivity driven differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells
(2020-12-22)What factors and conditions control stem cell differentiation is currently one of the major questions in biomedical research. What factors ultimately influence the cells’ decision is unclear but it has been shown, that ... -
Multi-wavelength Observations of Coronal Waves and Oscillations in Association with Solar Eruptions
(2011-08-11)This thesis presents an observational study of the relationship between flares and filament eruptions, and associated waves and oscillations in flare loops and ambient corona. A detailed ... -
Multifrequenzanalyse eines Samples röntgen- und optisch selektierter Aktiver Galaktischer Kerne
(2005-02-09)The current knowledge of Active Galaxies (AGN) as well as new observational facts suggest that sophisticated observational techniques are necessary to advance our view on AGN. In this work ... -
Multilagenbasierte Transmissionsoptiken für die Röntgenmikroskopie
(2012-08-23)Microscopy in the x-ray regime (0,001 – 10 nm wavelength) is a well-established method filling the gap between light and electron microscopy. Focusing of x-rays using transmission optics like zone plates, spatial resolutions ... -
Multilagenzonenplatten für die Mikroskopie mit harter Röntgenstrahlung
(2016-08-02)X-ray microscopy is due to the small wavelength and high penetration depth an auspicious technique for improved investigations of materials on nm-scale. For this, multilayer zone plates (MZP) with well-defined and smooth ... -
Multimodal high-resolution mapping of contracting intact Langendorff-perfused hearts
(2021-01-21)The vital function of the heart during normal sinus rhythm relies on the spread of regular excitation waves within the cardiac muscle tissue, leading to an orderly contraction and efficient pumping action. These electrical ... -
Multiphase coexistence with sequence fractionation in random block copolymers
(2012-01-16)Random binary block copolymers emerge from linking permanently and at random prepolymer blocks of two different chemical species A and B. The competitive interplay of conformational entropy, ... -
Multiple Extended Target Tracking in Maritime Environment Using Marine Radar Data
(2022-10-13)Target tracking is today one of the main pillars supporting applications for Maritime Traffic Situation Assessment and Monitoring ( MTSAM ). It provides information on the targets (vessels) obtained from the sensors within ... -
"Multiple Sequence Alignment Using External Sources Of Information"
(2016-03-29)Multiple sequence alignment is an alignment of three or more protein or nucleic acid sequences. The alignment area has always been of much interest for researchers, this is due to that fact that many scientifi c ... -
Multiplexed cell-based assays to profile GPCR activities and cellular signalling
(2016-03-23)G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest class of cell surface receptors that are implicated in the physiological regulation of many biological processes. They mediate signals through complex networks of G ... -
Multiscale Change-point Segmentation: Beyond Step Functions
(2017-03-08)Many multiscale segmentation methods have been proven to work successfully for detecting multiple change-points, mainly because they provide faithful statistical statements, while at the same time allowing for efficient ... -
Multiscale Scanning in Higher Dimensions: Limit theory, statistical consequences and an application in STED microscopy
(2018-07-17)Scan statistics have a broad area of applications ranging from astrophysics over genetic screening to fluorescence microscopy. Here, we consider a calibrated scan statistic based on local likelihood ratio tests of homogeneity ... -
Multiscale simulations of liquid-liquid interfaces: From lipid membrane to graphene
(2023-11-06)There is an increasing demand to enhance the development of coarse-grained models in order to facilitate highly efficient simulations of realistic biological systems. In our endeavor to tackle this challenge, in chapter ... -
Multiscale Total Variation Estimators for Regression and Inverse Problems
(2019-06-28)In the context of nonparametric regression and inverse problems, variational multiscale methods combine multiscale dictionaries with regularization functionals in a variational framework. In recent years, these methods ... -
Multiscale X-Ray Analysis of Biological Cells and Tissues by Scanning Diffraction and Coherent Imaging
(2018-12-13)The past 70 years of muscle research have profoundly shaped our current understanding of the structure and function of muscle. X-ray diffraction became a key method in its structural analysis and yielded valuable insights ... -
Multistage Algorithms in C++
(2006-04-19)Performance-critical software is rarely implemented in a generic manner. Structural changes usually affect large parts of a project and cause expensive development cycles. Principal reason ... -
Multitrophic interaction of co-inoculated endophyte entomopathogenic fungi
(2022-07-11)The application of entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) as biocontrol agents of insect herbivores is constrained by their limited efficacy due to high sensitivity to UV-light radiation, water leaching, and fungicide application. ... -
Multitrophic interactions along a plant size gradient in Brassicaceae
(2015-02-19)Plant size is hypothesised to be a major driver of biotic interactions, as larger plants are more conspicuous and offer a wider range of resources and niches for associated animals. However, the role of interspecific ...