Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Title
Now showing items 3279-3298 of 5533
Mycorrhization and Warming Modulate Soil Organic Matter Stability
(2021-06-24)Soil organic matter (SOM) is the primary source of plant-available nutrients, as well as a substantial carbon (C) reservoir in terrestrial ecosystems. Maintenance of SOM levels is therefore critical for ecosystem sustainability. ... -
Myelin lipids are energy reserves in the nervous system
(2021-03-18)Neuronal functions critically depend on a continuous supply of glucose as prolonged hypoglycemia can lead to severe brain injury. It is surprising that except for astroglial glycogen the brain has no visible energy reserves. ... -
Mykorrhizafunktion bei der Konkurrenz um Stickstoff in Kalkbuchenwäldern
(2014-04-16)Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) is a very important tree species in Central Europe due to its economical value and ecological services. Beech forests are often growing on soils, where nitrogen is the growth limiting factor. ... -
Mykotoxine und Kindergesundheit
(2014-03-20)Mycotoxins are naturally occurring mould toxins produced by fungi that often infect the crop in the field. One of the most frequently detected mycotoxin in cereals is deoxynivalenol (DON). In the European Union, mainly ... -
Myokardinfarktregeneration unter Verwendung kardiovaskulärer Vorläuferzellen aus murinen und humanen pluripotenten Stammzellen
(2013-02-19)Stem cells hold a great promise in regenerative therapies for cardiovascular diseases. Heart regeneration with stem cells requires a delicate balance between the loss of donor cell pluripotency (so that teratoma formation ... -
N-Containing Biomass for the Sustainable Synthesis of N-Heterocycles via Cyclization Reactions
(2022-07-22)The N-containing compounds from biomass, including chitin, chitosan and D-glucosamine, are one of the largest sustainable native biobased materials on earth. Human processing of the sustainable chitin/chitosan/D-glucosam ... -
N-linked glycosylation of ether á go-go potassium channels: effects on cell surface expression and functional properties
(2004-04-23)Ether á go-go (Eag1) is a voltage gated potassium channel, apparently involved in a broad variety of cellular events. Results from this work show that in rat tissues the Eag1 protein is ... -
N2 Fixation by Chromium and Rhenium PNP Pincer Complexes
(2022-03-16)This thesis focusses on the activation and functionalization of atmospheric dinitrogen by chromium and rhenium based transition metal complexes. The electronic structure of dinitrogen bridged key species is discussed based ... -
N2 Splitting and Functionalization in the Coordination Sphere of Rhenium
(2017-01-12)The first example of homogeneous N2 splitting mediated by rhenium as group 7 transition metal is reported and represents rare complete scission of the N-N bond in well-defined terminal nitrido complexes. These could be ... -
N2 Splitting and Functionalization in the Coordination Sphere of Tungsten
(2020-12-02)The splitting and functionalization of N2 remains one of the most challenging reactions in coordination chemistry. In this thesis a series of four isostructural end-on N2 bridged ditungsten-PNP-pincer complexes are synthesized ... -
Nach dem Hochwasser ist vor dem Hochwasser: Eine Analyse zur Rationalität politischer Entscheidungsprozesse
(2014-10-29)How to assess Disaster Responds on Flood Events during the 20th Century – a conceptional framework and its application in Vietnam and Germany A comparison of disaster responds on flood events during the late 20th century ... -
Eine nachhaltige Entwicklung der intensiven Veredelung in Nordwestdeutschland: betriebliche Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze der Primärproduktion in der Region
(2013-11-11)Livestock farming in northwestern Germany currently finds itself in a sensitive dilemma between economic needs – posed by international structural changes in livestock farming to competitiveness – and today’s development ... -
Nachhaltige Landnutzung und Gesundheit als Bildungskontexte für das rurale Madagaskar – Effektivität und Umsetzbarkeit von Maßnahmen aus Sicht von Expert*innen und Lehrkräften
(2022-04-28)Education plays a central role for Sustainable Development. In Madagascar, most of the population only completes primary education, making Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) highly relevant already for primary ... -
(2012-05-29)The conversion to renewable energy sources contains a number of challenges. This work focuses on selected questions from the two subject areas: • Entrepreneurial investment behavior concerning biogas plants and • Contracts ... -
Nachhaltigkeitsherausforderungen und Kommunikationsstrategien im Transformationsprozess Landwirtschaft
(2024-01-30)This dissertation, which focuses on sustainability work and sustainability communication in the field of agriculture, seeks to provide contributions on how German agriculture can position itself more sustainably and how ... -
Nachweis und Aufreinigung von Abscisinsäure-bindenden Proteinen aus dem Cytosol von Spinat- und Arabidopsis-Pflanzen
(2003-01-09)Goal of this work was to isolate abscisic acid binding proteins of spinach and Arabidopsis plants. Therefore the use of different proteinbiochemic methods like ammoniumsulfate-precipitation ... -
Nafisamycin, Cyclisation Product of a New Enediyne Precursor, Highly Cytotoxic Mansouramycins, Karamomycins Possessing a Novel Heterocyclic Skeleton and Further Unusual Secondary Metabolites from Terrestrial and Marine Bacteria.
(2009-03-19)The search for new medically active compounds to overcome the countless diseases is one of the most relevant objectives worldwide. Medicinal plants were used previously in the traditional ... -
Nahinfrarotspektroskopische Erfassung und Charakterisierung der nutritiven und fermentativen Qualität von Grassilage im ungetrockneten Zustand
(2008-02-26)Grassland and forage crop farms are faced with the challenge of cost-efficient production of farm-produces feed for the ruminant feeding. The objective of this work is to reach a time and cost reduction through the use ... -
Nahms Equations and Nilpotent Orbits
(2022-05-31)P. Kronheimer has identified certain space of solutions to Nahms equations with a coadjoint orbit of a nilpotent element in a complex, semi-simple Lie algebra and that way equipped the orbit with an hyperkähler structure ... -
Nahrungsökologie des invasiven Maisschädlings Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte in Europa
(2003-09-15)The nutritional ecology of the invasive maize pest Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae) was studied with regard to larval and adult food use and performance ...