Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Title
Now showing items 4612-4631 of 5544
Symmetric Squaring in Homology and Bordism
(2011-11-10)Looking at the cartesian product X × X of a topological space X with itself, a natural map to be considered on that object is the involution that interchanges the coordinates, i.e. that ... -
Eine Symmetrie der visuellen Welt in der Architektur des visuellen Kortex.
(2009-12-15)Neurons in the visual cortex respond best to oriented visual stimuli at a particular position in the visual field. Their selectivities for position and orientation vary systematically along ... -
Symmetriebrechende Gitterverzerrung in einer elektronischen nematischen Phase
(2011-06-22)In a nematic phase, an electron system can spontaneously break the rotational symmetry of the crystal lattice. The itinerant metamagnet Sr$_3$Ru$_2$O$_7$is a model system for electronic ... -
Symmetries and correlations in solids probed by ultrafast high-harmonic spectroscopy
(2023-11-13)Novel material systems with correlated and tunable properties promise to push the boundaries of current information processing and energy management technologies. Their investigation requires simultaneous access to multiple ... -
Symmetry Breaking and Pattern Selection in Models of Visual Development
(2010-10-13)Response properties of neurons in the visual cortex form spatial representations called maps of several stimulus features such as orientation preference (OP) or ocular dominance (OD). This ... -
Synaptic modifications in hippocampal CA3 pyramidal cells in an Alzheimer's mouse model
(2018-03-01)Memory encoding is thought to proceed from durable changes in the activity of synaptic circuits, leading to the storage of patterns of electrical events in a sparsely distributed ensemble of neurons. Located at the entry ... -
Synaptic physiology of the developing <i>Drosophila</i> neuromuscular junction
(2007-04-25)There is a large increase in the number of synapses, and a constant structural and functional remodelling of already established synaptic sites, during the development of both the vertebrate ... -
Synaptic Targeting of Neurotransmitter Receptors is Regulated by Neurobeachin
(2011-11-14)In neuronal network, information is transferred mainly via chemical synapses. Typically, a neuron receives thousands of inputs, which are transmitted by the activation of a large number of ... -
Synaptic vesicle recycling <i>in Vivo</i>
(2012-03-12)The basic mechanism of neurotransmitter release at synapses is relatively well understood: upon arrival of an action potential, calcium influx into the nerve terminal triggers fusion of ... -
Synaptic Vesicles Studied by Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering
(2010-12-21)The heterogeneous structure of synaptic vesicles isolated from rat brain is investigated considering solution small-angle x-ray scattering data in combination with data obtained by cryogenic ... -
Synchronisation Behaviour of Viscoelastically Coupled Self-Sustained Oscillators as Models for Oscillations of Premature Cardiomyocytes
(2017-11-22)This thesis analyses how the synchronisation behaviour of self-sustained oscillators is influenced by the viscoelastic properties of their coupling. This question is motivated by the early development stage of artificial ... -
Synchronisation chaotisch fluktuierender Halbleiterlaser
(2005-05-04)In this thesis the experimental and numerical synchronization of two optically coupled semiconductor lasers are presented. Of main interest is the synchronization of the well-known low ... -
Synchronization and Superovulation of Boer Goats with PGF2á and GnRH or hCG and Parentage Analysis using Microsatellite Markers
(2011-08-16)The aim of the first investigation was to devise an efficient protocol for getting a satisfactory embryo yield accomplished by combining the recently established ovsynch protocol with pFSH ... -
Synchronization, Neuronal Excitability, and Information Flow in Networks of Neuronal Oscillators
(2012-09-27)Synchronization is an omnipresent phenomenon in the dynamics of complex neuronal networks, emerging between single neurons as the simultaneous generation of action potentials and on larger spatial scales in the ... -
Der Syntaxin 1-Cluster - Organisation und Dynamik einer supramolekularen Struktur der Plasmamembran
(2007-06-27)The plasma membrane of a eukaryotic cell shows much more lateral heterogeneity as would be expected according to the fluid mosaic model proposed by Singer and Nicolson in 1972. Many proteins ... -
Synthese chiraler Alignmentmedien zur Enantiomerenunterscheidung via anisotroper NMR-Parameter & Bestimmung der absoluten Konfiguration von (–)-erythro-Mefloquin HCl
(2014-08-12)During this PhD project it was presented a new chiral alignment medium for the enantiodiscrimination of chiral amines. Initially (R)- or (S)-2-acrylamido-2-phenylethane sulfonic acid, respectively ((R)- / (S)-APhES), the ... -
Synthese des dansylierten Park-Nucleotids und vereinfachter Analoga der Muraymycin-Antibiotika
(2014-04-24)The conversion of Park's nucleotide to Lipid I in the bacterial cell wall biosynthesis is catalyzed by the enzyme MraY. This enzyme is an interesting target for new antibiotics. In the present thesis a total synthesis of ... -
Synthese löslicher Aggregate des Indiums und Zinns
(2004-06-30)Hydrolysis of metalorganic compounds often yields in catalytic activ species which are widely used in industriell processes, also there structurally nature is not known so far. This work ... -
Synthese und Anwendung eines radioaktiven Photoaffinitätslabels zur Wirkortbestimmung von Naturstoffen sowie Beiträge zur Totalsynthese des Collinolactons
(2009-05-05)Starting form Dibromobenzene, an effective synthesis of a radioactive labeled photoaffinity-probe was realized. By using a double-silylated diaziridine as an intermediate the first direct ...