Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Advisor "Hummel, Susanne Dr."
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Anthropologische Bearbeitung der Bestattungen napoleonischer Soldaten aus Frankfurt-Rödelheim zur Rekonstruktion der Lebensbedingungen in der Grande Armée
(2023-05-23)In this work, the human remains of more than 200 Napoleonic soldiers, which were archaeologically recovered in the Rödelheim district (Frankfurt am Main) in 2015, were comprehensively anthropologically examined. The aim ... -
Evaluating morphological and metrical methods for sex estimation on isolated human skeletal material
(2023-02-13)The primary goal of this study is to estimate the sex of human skeletal materials using morphological and metrical methods described in the forensic and anthropological literature with molecular testing performed on Inden ... -
Genetische Diversität in der Lichtensteinhöhle – Ableitungen zur Demographie und Interpretationen zu sozialen Strukturen sowie Bestattungssitten in einer bronzezeitlichen Bevölkerung
(2022-03-03)The archaeological part of the Lichtenstein Cave, a gypsum karst cave in the southwestern periphery of the Harz Mountains, was discovered in 1980 and has since been investigated in close, interdisciplinary cooperation. The ... -
Identifikation – Von der Speziesbestimmung bis zur Identitätsfeststellung mit Hilfe von ancient DNA-Analysen
(2022-02-24)Molecular genetic analyses can be used to answer central questions in anthropology. These are usually the question of the species origin of bone finds or other biological material and, in the case of a human origin, the ... -
Ancient genetic landscape of archaeological human remains from Panama, South America and Oceania described through STR genotype frequencies and mitochondrial DNA sequences
(2021-12-20)The settlements of the Americas and Oceania are particularly fascinating topics. On the one side is the settlements of Australia and New Guinea (30,000 – 50,000 years ago) were the scenarios of one of the earliest migration ... -
Ein bronzezeitlicher Familienclan als genetisches Archiv – Morphologisch-paläogenetische Bearbeitung des Skelettkollektivs aus der Lichtensteinhöhle
(2017-02-22)The Lichtenstein Cave is a cleft cave in the Lichtenstein a mountain located in the Harz Mountains. Large numbers of human bones were found spread over the anthropogenic part of the cave. According to the associated ... -
Identifikation von Mutationen im Tumorsuppressorgen p53 und des Bakteriums Helicobacter pylori in Magenkarzinomen histopathologischer Präparate aus verschiedenen medizinhistorischen Sammlungen
(2011-05-25)Cancer results in complex changes and events. An important key element in the initiation is the interaction between genotype and environment. In gastric cancer, the incidence has steadily ...