Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Advisor "Pack, Andreas Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Evaluating the potential of I-type cosmic spherules as a proxy for the Δ’17O of atmospheric O2 for reconstructing paleo-CO2 levels and GPP throughout the Phanerozoic
(2024-12-09)Entirely molten micrometeorites, termed I-type cosmic spherules, are micrometer to millimeter-sized remnants of extraterrestrial Fe, Ni-rich metal that can be recovered on Earth. I-type cosmic spherules acquire all oxygen ... -
Triple oxygen isotope ratios of bioapatite
(2022-04-07)Bioapatite is the major crystalline component of bone and tooth materials. Recent studies demonstrated that bioapatite carries information of animals’ physiology and living environmental conditions and retains its original ... -
Triple oxygen isotope study on the Earth-Moon system
(2021-12-23)Triple oxygen isotope systematics (Δ'17O) are an established tool to trace and classify extraterrestrial material. This tool is used in the field of cosmochemistry to study the genetic link between different Solar System ... -
Triple Oxygen Isotopes of Cherts : Implications for the δ18O and Temperatures of Early Oceans
(2017-06-19)The temperature of Earth’s earliest oceans, in which life may have first originated, remains a controversial issue in Earth science. Over the last 50 years, many studies have attempted to apply the temperature dependent ... -
Volatilitätskontrollierte Fraktionierung refraktär-lithophiler Elemente in Meteoriten und der Erde
(2014-08-14)During the condensation of the elements in the early solar system, volatility-controlled fractionations occurred. Such fractionations of refractory lithophile elements in individual chondrite components and between bulk ... -
Triple oxygen isotope variations in natural and anthropogenic carbon dioxide
(2013-03-19)The oxygen and carbon isotope composition (18O/16O and 13C/12C) of atmospheric carbon dioxide is an excellent tool to investigate the atmospheric CO2 cycle. In recent ... -
Triple oxygen (16O, 17O, 18O) and carbon (12C, 13C) isotope variations in bioapatite of small mammals – new insights concerning the reconstruction of palaeo‐CO2 concentrations and palaeotemperatures
(2013-02-25)The ratios among the stable isotopes of oxygen (16O, 17O, 18O) and carbon (12C, 13C) in biogenic apatite of mammal teeth and bones have the potential to provide insight into the isotopic composition of the respective oxygen ... -
Origin and evolution of ureilite vein metal - Fe, Ni, Co and Ni-isotope systematics of ureilite vein metal and ureilite silicates
(2010-01-28)Ureilites are meteorites which show characteristics of primitive and differentiated meteorites. They are mainly composed of olivine and pyroxene. The pyroxene is in most cases pigeonite. ... -
Alkalien in Chondren - offenes oder geschlossenes System?
(2009-05-05)Sodium as trace element in olivine can be measured by electron-microprobe and using high currents (<600nA). The lower limit of detection is 0.0015 wt.% Na2O in olivine. Results are veryfied ... -
Sauerstoffisotope zur Klärung der Herkunft nichtmetallischer Ausscheidungen (Clogging) beim Stranggießen von Stahl
(2008-03-03)Nonmetallic precipitates in steelmaking process are a process and a product problem. In Al-killed steel these precipitates are predominantly composed of alumina inclusions. These particles are deposited e.g. at the inner ...