Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Advisor "Pawelzik, Elke Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Addressing different forms of malnutrition among rural women and children in East Africa: the contribution of processed fruits and vegetables
(2023-07-06)Malnutrition in all its forms continues to be widespread in Africa, especially in rural areas and for women and children. Adequate consumption of fruits and vegetables could help address this malnutrition scourge, yet fruit ... -
Characterization of plant-based alternative products with consideration of qualitative and nutritional aspects
(2022-10-19)One of the greatest challenges of the 21st century is to meet the food needs of a growing world population without exceeding the planetary boundaries. The consumption and production of food products of animal-based origin ... -
Studies on improving phosphorus use efficiency of potato: effects on plant growth, physiology, and quality of tubers
(2021-11-18)Plants develop different strategies in response to low and high P supply. Potato has a low P use efficiency (PUE) compared to other crops, which is caused by its limited root system. Therefore, it is necessary to gain more ... -
Agronomic performance, nutritional yields and sensory properties of different tomato cultivars under organic low-input production
(2021-07-15)Sixty tomato cultivars from old cultivars released in the 1880s to the most recently developed cultivars were investigated in 2015 and a subset of 20 cultivars was selected for further evaluation in 2016. The cultivars ... -
Evaluation of near infrared spectroscopy for prediction of quality attributes and authentication of green coffee beans
(2020-10-14)Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world as well as an important commodity for several exporting and importing countries, including Indonesia. There are several quality parameters of the green beans that ... -
Effect of the potassium and magnesium nutrition on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber quality and plant development
(2018-10-17)Knowledge regarding the importance of potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) for potato plant development and tuber quality is limited. K and Mg are nutrients, besides other crucial roles, for photosynthesis and the partitioning ... -
Assessment of genetic and nutritional diversity, and salinity tolerance of Kenyan guava (Psidium guajava L.): an underutilized naturalized fruit species
(2018-08-07)Common guava (Psidium guajava L.) fruit has a significant nutritional and medicinal potential besides its economic importance, yet is still underutilized in terms of production and consumption. The current global guava ... -
Characterization of α-amylase in wheat and maize
(2016-04-11)Alpha-amylase is a starch-hydrolyzing enzyme and its characterization is an important quality parameter in cereal grains. In breadmaking, adequate α-amylase activity is required to produce bread of good quality. High ... -
Studies about Fusarium infection of emmer and naked barley during grain ripening and the post-harvest period
(2014-12-01)The influence of Fusarium graminearum infection on mycotoxin formation and on the protein composition of emmer and naked barley grains was investigated during grain ripening from milk ripe grains until ripeness and during ... -
Fusarium infection of bread wheat and subsequent mycotoxin contamination of milling products: Impact on quality parameters and composition of flour
(2011-12-15)Fusarium head blight (FHB) of wheat is a worldwide occurring disease reducing both grain yield and wheat quality. Grain quality is primarily degraded because of mycotoxins produced by several ... -
Fusarium-Befall bei Emmer und Nacktgerste
(2010-11-10)The results of the thesis showed that emmer was highly susceptible to F. graminearum and F. culmorum infection and trichothecene accumulation, but naked barley had a relatively low ... -
Die Neigung zu Schwarzfleckigkeit bei Kartoffeln (Solanum tuberosum) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Knollenphysiologie
(2009-10-21)Mechanical impact caused by harvesting and handling operations enhanced the susceptibility towards blackspot of potato tubers. Blackspot reduced the internal quality of potato tubers, which ... -
Beitrag zur Ermittlung der biochemischen Ursachen der Schwarzfleckigkeit bei Kartoffeln
(2007-10-23)Blackspot in potato tubers occurs after mechanical damage of the tubers during harvest, transportation and storage. The particularity of this qualtiy problem is a gradual discolouration of ... -
Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on nitrogen assimilation and seed quality of amaranth and quinoa
(2004-11-23)Amaranth and quinoa are protein-rich pseudocereals and may be used as an alternative source for non-allergenic food products. Seed composition of amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) and ...