Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Advisor "Samwer, Konrad Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 23
Anti-aging and avalanche dynamics in ultrastable metallic glasses by X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy
(2024-04-23)Within this thesis, structural relaxation dynamics of vapour deposited as well as conventionally produced metallic glasses are studied. Vapour deposition enables to crucially tune the surface diffusion during the deposition ... -
Reibung kristalliner, amorpher und stark korrelierter Systeme unter aktiver Kontrolle
(2018-08-09)Mechanical and kinetic energy is transferred into heat if to two bodies slide on each other. This energy dissipative process is usually called friction. This thesis contributes to the understanding of friction. This is ... -
Avalanche Dynamics and Magnetoelastic Coupling in Metallic Glasses
(2018-02-19)This work is devoted to the study of the magnetoelastic coupling in metallic glasses. Such study is done by means of the statistical analysis of the intermittency of the deformation signal yield as a consequence of a ... -
Lichtinduzierte magnetische Defekte in ultradünnen Filmen
(2018-02-09)Topological defects such as domain walls, vortices or skyrmions in magnetic layers, exhibit promising properties which make them especially interesting for future applications in information technology. This work examines ... -
Nonlinear Response and Avalanche Behavior in Metallic Glasses
(2017-08-29)The response to different stress amplitudes at temperatures below the glass transition temperature is measured by mechanical oscillatory excitation of Pd40Ni40P20 metallic glass samples in single cantilever bending geometry. ... -
Laserinduzierte Änderungen der elektronischen Transporteigenschaften von Manganaten
(2017-07-31)This thesis investigates the influence of local excitations by ultra-short laser pulses in strongly correlated manganites. It focuses on the nonlinear transport properties which are connected to the correlations between ... -
Mechanische Spektroskopie an PMMA-Systemen: Nichtlineares Verhalten und UV-aktive Blockcopolymere
(2017-03-16)This thesis focuses on two different topics. Firstly the occurence of nonlinear higher harmonic contributions in the mechanical response of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) is investigated with dynamic mechanical analysis. ... -
Thermodynamic and kinetic properties of metallic glasses during ultrafast heating
(2015-05-18)When a system is cooled from the high temperature liquid state below its liquidus temperature, the dynamics of the system start to deviate from the ones in the equilibrium high temperature liquid. There are a number of ... -
Elektrischer Transport in Manganatschichten: Einfluss von elektrischen Feldern und Licht
(2013-07-15)In manganites a small change of external fields can lead to drastically changed electronic, magnetic, and structural properties. In this work the influence of electric fields and light on manganite films is studied. Through ... -
Untersuchung des elektrischen Widerstandsschaltens perowskitischer Manganatfilme auf der Nanometerskala
(2012-07-25)Perovskite manganese oxides are highly correlated systems, which exhibit a variety of resistance effects under different stimuli. Under exceeding critical voltages or currents, abrupt changes of the electrical resistance ... -
Relaxationen in komplexen Fluiden
(2010-12-20)Relaxation processes of complex fluids show a significant aspect for understanding of metallic glasses as well as polymers. Therefore, the interpretation of the macroscopic features due to ... -
Magnetoelektrische Eigenschaften von Manganat-Titanat Übergittern
(2010-01-28)Magnetoelectric multiferroics are materials in which the order phenomena ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity coexist. Due to pronounced magnetic as well as electric susceptibility, this ... -
Mechanische Spektroskopie an metallischen Gläsern in reduzierter Dimensionalität
(2009-12-14)In glasses a broad spectra of different relaxation times is observed, but the underlying physical mechanisms are still a matter of investigation. The reason for the complex dynamics is mainly linked to heterogeneities ... -
Crystalline, membrane-embedded, and fibrillar proteins investigated by solid-state NMR spectroscopy
(2009-08-10)This thesis describes research on atomic structure and molecular dynamics of biomolecules in the solid phase using solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. A method for ... -
Magnetic field effects on the local tunneling conductivity of La0.75 Ca0.25 MnO3 /MgO thin films
(2008-08-29)Manganites are known for their exceptional properties, such as the metal-insulator transition (MIT) and the colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) effect. These materials show a very rich phase diagram in which the properties ... -
Grenzflächeneffekte in Manganatschichten
(2008-01-07)Interfaces play a major role in manganites and magnetoresistive systems. Thus, this work deals with the systematic analysis of the influence of interfaces on the transport properties of ... -
Sekundäre Relaxationen in amorphen Festkörpern
(2006-12-11)The mechanical properties of a solid are determined by the character of the active relaxation modes. They govern how a sample relaxes if an external stress is applied and are dependent on ... -
Untersuchung der elektrischen Phasenseparation in dünnen Manganatschichten mit Rastersondenspektroskopie
(2004-07-16)Thin films of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 and La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 on MgO show a metal insulator transition. The shape of this transition can be explained by intrinsic spatial inhomogeneities, which give rise to a domain structure of conducting ... -
Mechanische Spannungen und Mikrostruktur dünner TiNi- und Ti50Ni50-xCux-Formgedächtnisschichten
(2004-05-05)This thesis describes the fabrication process of TiNi and Ti50Ni50-xCux shape memory thin films by means of cocondensation via electron beam evaporation in UHV and their characterisation. During film growth and martensitic ... -
Mechanische Relaxation in komplexen Fluiden
(2004-04-16)By measurments of the frequency dependent dielectric loss modulus on organic glass formers at different temperatures, the primary relaxation due to viscous flow has been determined. It shows ...