Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Advisor "Sauer, Daniela Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Loess-palaeosol sections along the Rhône Rift Valley (SE France) as Late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental archives
(2024-03-05)Loess-palaeosol sections (LPSs) represent ideal archives for gaining knowledge of past climatic conditions and changes, as their intermediate loess deposits and buried palaeosols reflect climate conditions of their ... -
Impacts of rainforest transformation into oil-palm plantations on silicon pools in soils
(2023-03-30)Silicon (Si) is the second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust. In rocks, Si primarily occurs as primary silicates. In soils, Si is present mostly as secondary silicates or amorphous silica of biogenic or pedogenic ... -
Geoecological analysis of forest distribution and post-disturbance tree regrowth in the forest-steppe of central Mongolia
(2021-09-09)The Mongolian forest-steppe is an ecotone at the transition between the Siberian Taiga in the north and the Gobi Desert in the south. The highly continental, semiarid climate magnifies the importance of water availability ... -
Urbanisation, Land Use and Soil Resource: Spatio-Temporal Analyses of Trends and Environmental Effects in Two Metropolitan Regions of Ghana (West Africa)
(2020-12-23)With more than half of the world’s population already urbanised, global sustainability is partly hinged on how the urbanisation process is impacting the natural environment. Therefore, it is important to characterise, ... -
Space-time modelling of seasonal soil moisture for improved crop production – the case of the Guinea savannah region, Ghana
(2020-12-17)The upsurge in advocacy for food security in SSA implies the urgent need for improved sustainable adaptation measures that can boost food-crop production. This is of utmost concern, because, over the past decades, food ... -
Kritische Analyse der Rekonstruktionen der letztglazialen Vergletscherung im Nepal-Himalaja (Himalaja Südabdachung)
(2020-05-20)Until today there are significant differences in the views on the course and extent of the glacial glaciation in High Asia. The reasons for this are the different methods respectively working techniques used, the location ... -
Management Options for Optimizing Nutrient Cycling and Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Smallholder Rice Farms in Vietnam
(2019-11-15)Summary Rice is the most important food crop in Asia. However, rice production in Asia is facing tremendous challenges in the 21st century. Fast-growing populations are demanding larger rice supplies under the increasingly ... -
Der glazifluviale Formenschatz im Gletschervorfeld des Himalaya und der Versuch einer relativ-zeitlichen Einordnung
(2018-01-08)The aim of the investigation was to identify a glaciofluvial sequence of forms in the glacier foreland of the Himalayas and their chronological classification. This sequence is intended to show a climate-genetic dependence ...