Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Advisor "Tetens, Jens Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) als alternative Proteinquelle für Fische
(2022-11-16)The sustainability of livestock production is becoming increasingly important for consumers. Due to increasing levels of overfishing of the world's oceans, aquaculture has also been criti-cized for its role as the main ... -
Molekulargenetische und proteinanalytische Untersuchungen trächtigkeitsassoziierter Glykoproteine beim Rind
(2022-10-11)The dissertation addresses molecular genetic and protein analytical studies of bo-vine pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (boPAGs) and their practical application as pregnancy markers. Bovine PAGs are expressed by trophoblast ... -
On-site identification of animal species in meat products
(2021-07-12)The control of meat and its products is essential for sales and consumer protection. Due to personal preferences, but also religious and health reasons, the correct labelling is crucial. For meat species inspection, samples ... -
Vergleichende Analyse zweier Endstufeneberlinien unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Geburtsgewichtes, in der Erzeugung von Ferkeln und Mastschweinen
(2021-07-07)The present dissertation compares two terminal sire lines based on the performance of their crossbred offspring under standardized environmental conditions along the entire production chain taking the birth weight into ... -
Genetische Analyse des bovinen bilateralen konvergenten Strabismus mit Exophthalmus des Holstein Rindes sowie der equinen hereditären Mikrophthalmie
(2021-06-24)In the context of the present thesis, two different hereditary diseases of the eyes were investigated. Bilateral convergent strabismus with exophthalmos (BCSE) in Holstein cattle and equine microphthalmia. The aim of the ... -
Construction of an equine antibody library in the single-chain-Fragment-variable format (scFv) to express equine immunoglobulins
(2021-03-30)Horses are exposed to a large variety of pathogens and diseases. Equine herpesvirus Type 1 (EHV-1) is one of the most prevalent viral pathogens infecting horses. Approximately 60 % of the horse population worldwide are ... -
Untersuchung exogener Einflüsse auf den Reproduktionserfolg des Rindes unter Anwendung von In-vitro-Verfahren
(2020-06-03)This thesis deals with the analysis of various exogenous factors on the reproductive suc-cess of cattle by application of in vitro methods. Possible effects of semen type (conventional vs. female sexed) and calf ... -
Molekulargenetische Analysen fortpflanzungsrelevanter Fragestellungen beim landwirtschaftlichen Nutztier
(2018-12-04)This dissertation addresses two topics that are relevant for the reproduction of live-stock. The first part of the thesis describes genetic and environmental factors influenc-ing sperm quality in ejaculates of artificial ...