Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Advisor "Tilgner, Andreas Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
Experimentelle Untersuchung von thermohalinen Treppen in doppelt-diffusiver Konvektion
(2023-01-12)This study deals with the modeling of a laboratory experiment where steady states as well as transients of double diffusive staircases can be observed by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) in a fluid layer. A stabilizing ... -
MHD-Computersimulationen zur Begleitung des Projektes DRESDyn
(2019-03-15)Numeric simulations of rotating flows are often limited by effects in the boundary layer, which need a very high grid resolution. This work investigates the ability of precession driven flows to amplify magnetic fields due ... -
Multi-instrument study of the hourly pulsations in Saturn’s magnetosphere
(2017-10-20)The in-situ exploration of the magnetospheres of Jupiter and Saturn has revealed various pulsed phenomena, some of them being periodic. In Saturn's magnetosphere, several studies have reported pulsations with a periodicity ... -
Experimentelle Untersuchungen von Fingerströmung und thermohalinen Treppen für instabile Auftriebsverhältnisse
(2016-04-19)Finger convection is observed experimentally in an electrodeposition cell in which a destabilizing gradient of copper ions is maintained against a stabilizing temperature gradient. This double-diffusive system shows finger ... -
Elliptical instability of compressible flow and dissipation in rocky planets for strong tidal forcing
(2016-02-02)This thesis is divided into three main parts, in accordance with Chapters 2, 3 and 4. In the first part, Chap. 2, we investigate the elliptical instability. We calculate the growth rates of the elliptical instability under ... -
Statistical Study of Magnetic Field Reversals in Geodynamo Models and Paleomagnetic Data
(2015-10-28)The most striking features in the temporal evolution of the Earth's dipolar magnetic field are polarity reversals and excursions. Several hundred polarity switches have been documented for the last two hundred million years ... -
Rotation and non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq effects in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection
(2015-07-15)In this thesis different aspects of turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection have been studied that go beyond of what the majority of recent investigations focuses on. The two main concerns here, were the influence of rotation ... -
Kinematic dynamo onset and magnetic field saturation in rotating spherical Couette and periodic box simulations
(2013-07-26)Magnetic fields are ubiquitous in the universe and can be found in celestial bodies, galaxies, stars including our Sun and planets like the Earth or Jupiter. Due to the fact that at least in the Earth's interior, temperatures ... -
Numerical Simulations of the Gravitational Geodynamo and its Time Spectrum
(2011-06-30)This work contributes to the understanding of the dynamo mechanism. Gravitationally driven and convection driven dynamo simulations are studied. We analyzed dynamo mostly from the spectral ... -
Experimentelle Untersuchungen doppelt diffusiver Konvektion im Finger-Regime
(2010-07-30)An electrodeposition cell is used to sustain a destabilizing concentration difference of copper ions in aqueous solution between the top and bottom boundaries of the cell. The resulting ... -
Numerische Untersuchung rotierender Rayleigh-Bénard-Konvektion ohne Ekman-Schichten
(2010-02-05)This work deals with numerical studies of rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a planar fluid layer. A spectral method is employed with periodic boundary conditions in the horizontal ... -
On Soret Convection in Binary and Pseudo-Binary Liquid Mixtures
(2008-05-20)Soret convection in binary ethanol-water mixtures and a pseudo-binary microemulsion is experimentally investigated by means of velocity amplitude measurements and flow field visualisation. The results for the molecular ... -
Transient integral boundary layer method to simulate entrance flow conditions in one-dimensional arterial blood flow
(2006-10-20)Motivation: The pressure drop -- flow relations in myocardial bridges and the assessment of vascular heart disease via fractional flow reserve (FFR) have motivated much research during the ... -
Coherent structures in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection
(2006-01-17)Coherent structures on different length scales are investigated in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection. In thermal boundary layers a previously unknown type of coherent structures is ... -
Simulations of the Karlsruhe Dynamo Using the Lattice-Boltzmann Method
(2005-10-18)The dynamo mechanism is on the way of understanding. Several numerical simul ations have shown the dynamo mechanism successfully. In recent years dynamo mech anism could be brought down to ... -
Strukturbildung und Turbulenz
(2005-06-24)This work makes a contribution to the understanding of turbulent convection flows by numerically studying Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a fluid layer heated from below between two rigid ... -
Turbulent Fluxes of CO2, H2O and Energy in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer above Tropical Vegetation investigated by Eddy-Covariance Measurements
(2005-02-09)The conversion of tropical rainforest to agriculturally used land is a spreading process throughout Indonesia and South-East Asia. Besides the effects on the biological diversity and the ... -
Fluid instabilities in precessing ellipsoidal shells
(2002-02-06)The Earth precesses with a period of 25700 years due to the gravity fields of the Moon and the Sun acting on the Earth's equatorial bulge. The influence of the Earth's precessional motion ...