Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Referee "Brunner, Edgar Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Robuste ANOVA-Typ-Statistik in hochdimensionalen Mehrgruppendesigns
(2022-08-25)This thesis proves a robustness property of the ANOVA type statistic in repeated measures designs, i.e. experimental designs with multiple measurements of the same scale on the same experimental unit. As the Huynh-Feldt-test, ... -
Nichtparametrische Analyse diagnostischer Gütemaße bei Clusterdaten
(2011-04-01)For some years diagnostic studies have developed into an important mainstay for clinical research. Therefore the development of new statistical methods of evaluating diagnostic studies has become an influential issue ... -
Maximum Likelihood Theory for Retention of Effect Non-Inferiority Trials
(2010-05-28)This work deals with the methodical issues of non-inferiority trials whose aim is to demonstrate that a new test treatment is non-inferior to a well-established reference treatment. In the ... -
Multivariates nichtparametrisches Behrens-Fisher-Problem mit Kovariablen
(2009-12-22)In this thesis the Behrens-Fisher-Problem is extended to the case of multivariate non-normal-distributed data and for the case of existing covariates. Point- and intervall-estimators ... -
Simultane Konfidenzintervalle für nichtparametrische relative Kontrasteffekte
(2009-10-28)In general, biological experiments have a factorial structure, i.e. many factors affect the response variable. Hereby, the assumption of normality of the data is often not fulfilled, such that there is a need for ... -
Nichtparametrische Analyse von diagnostischen Tests
(2006-08-18)Diagnostic tests form the base of almost every clinical trial since they are necessary for the identification of the disease. For the evaluation of a new diagnostic trial one needs cases and controls with assured disease state. ... -
Die statistische Auswertung von ordinalen Daten bei zwei Zeitpunkten und zwei Stichproben
(2002-05-08)One of the simplest biometrical questions is the comparison of two groups. The thesis deals with such a comparison with additional baseline values under consideration. The baseline values are measured on an ordinal scale ... -
Nichtparametrische relative Effekte