Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Referee "Dreizler, Stefan Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 53
Modeling spectral and total solar irradiance variability from any vantage point in the Solar System
(2024-12-17)The Sun is the primary external energy source for all planets in the Solar System. Its radiative flux, known as solar irradiance, plays a crucial role in planetary atmosphere modeling. Accurate spectral solar irradiance ... -
Inferring atomic line parameters from solar spectra
(2024-09-19)The proximity of the Earth to the Sun offers a unique opportunity to study different plasma phenomena that occur in its atmosphere, which are unattainable in plasma laboratories. Advances in the instruments used for solar ... -
Iterative helioseismic holography
(2024-08-28)The understanding of the solar interior, in particular the subsurface solar flows, is im- portant for understanding the solar activity cycle. Traditional local helioseismology does not use all the seismic information ... -
Stellar Activity and Radial Velocities in M Dwarfs
(2024-07-17)Stellar activity is one of the principal obstacles to achieving sub 1 m/s radial velocity precision in exoplanet detection surveys. Understanding how stellar activity affects the stellar environment is crucial to mitigating ... -
High Precision Spectroscopy of the Solar Surface
(2024-06-17)Context: High-precision spectroscopy of the resolved solar surface provides benchmark observations for a vast field of stellar research. The solar spectrum exhibits variations from the disc centre to the limb. Observing ... -
Primordial Magnetic Fields: Evolution and Signatures
(2024-05-21)Magnetic fields permeate our Universe on all cosmic scales: from planets and stars to the large-scale fields found in galaxies and galaxy clusters. Different observational methods, such as the ones using the Faraday rotation ... -
Global scale magnetic field extrapolation in the solar corona using a Yin Yang grid
(2024-05-06)The solar magnetic field significantly influences and structures the solar coronal plasma as magnetic forces are the dominant forces within the solar corona. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of the phenomena that occur ... -
Vektorfeldkonzepte in der Studieneingangsphase Physik
(2024-04-16)The visualization of vector fields as vector field diagrams finds its application in various physics areas and also provides a valuable learning opportunity for physics students. By visualizing concepts and properties of ... -
Modelling the evolution of small bipolar regions on the Sun
(2023-10-23)Solar activity affects life on Earth in various ways, from geomagnetic storms to the terrestrial climate. The driver of solar activity is the solar magnetic field, which manifests itself in the form of small and large-scale ... -
A search for the Rieger-type periodicity on the Sun- like stars
(2023-10-06)Solar activity undergoes variations over many different timescales. The main periodicity is 11 years, called Schwabe cycle. In addition to the 11-year cycle, shorter periodic variations known as Rieger cycles have been ... -
Exoplanet Atmosphere Characterization with High-Resolution Doppler Spectroscopy
(2023-03-24)Ultra-hot Jupiters (UHJs) are a class of giant strongly irradiated exoplanets with dayside temperatures exceeding 2200 K. Due to their elevated temperatures, these objects are prime targets for atmospheric characterization ... -
Technologiebezogene Professionalisierung angehender Physiklehrkräfte - Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Lehrkonzepts in der Astrophysik mit digitalen Medien
(2022-09-09)This thesis discusses the development and empirical evaluation of a university course in the form of an astrophysics tutorial that focuses on teaching and learning with digital media. Framed by design-based research, an ... -
How does stellar convection impact the detection of small planets at high radial velocity precision?
(2022-08-15)One of the big driving forces behind exoplanet research is the search for an Earth-twin to answer the old question of whether or not humanity is alone in the universe. According to simple logic as well as our current ... -
The tilt and twist of emerging solar active regions
(2022-04-26)The aim of this thesis is to characterize the tilt and twist of the emerging magnetic field in the solar photosphere, which play an important role in understanding the origin and dynamics of the solar magnetic field. The ... -
Towards constraining the solar dynamo with observational studies of the Sun's magnetic field
(2022-04-26)A complete understanding of the physical mechanisms responsible for the solar magnetic field is yet to be attained. The origin of the Sun's magnetic field, with its spatio-temporal coherence, is attributed to a dynamo ... -
Activity of M dwarfs in the CARMENES sample
(2021-11-16)The Calar Alto high-Resolution search for M dwarfs with Exo-earths with Near-infrared and optical Echelle Spectrographs (CARMENES) has been searching and finding planets for five years by looking for periodic Doppler-shift ... -
Massively parallel spectroscopy of sources in Galactic globular clusters
(2021-10-04)Globular clusters (GCs) consist of hundreds of thousands of stars, densely packed into a spherical shape. Not only do GC contain ordinary main sequence and red giant stars, but also the products of frequent stellar ... -
Exploring the solar paradigm to explain stellar variability
(2021-07-13)The unprecedented precision of broadband stellar photometry achieved with the planet hunting missions CoRoT and Kepler initiated a new era in examining the magnetically driven brightness variations of hundreds of thousands ... -
Understanding the brightness variations of Sun-like stars on timescales of stellar rotation
(2021-01-21)Solar brightness varies on timescales from minutes to decades. In particular, the observed photometric variability can directly relate to the rotation period. Our understanding of this link allows extrapolations from the ... -
Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar companions beyond the main sequence
(2020-08-27)Stars spend most of their life on the main sequence (MS). But their most substantial changes occur off the MS stage, either before on the pre-MS or beyond at the post-MS phase. Due to very complex and varied dynamical ...