Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Referee "Dresbach, Thomas Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Characterization of novel protein players in pain
(2023-08-16)Despite its high prevalence in the human society, the mechanisms underlying chronic pain and pain chronification are still poorly understood. The shortage of potential targets that are specific to pathological chronic pain, ... -
Revealing ultrastructural changes that determine the development of a CNS synapse
(2023-04-14)Endbulbs of Held are synaptic contacts between auditory nerve fibers and bushy cells in the cochlear nucleus (CN) and represent the first central synapses of the auditory pathway. Endbulbs undergo functional and structural ... -
Characterization of proneural bHLH transcription factor target genes in X. laevis
(2022-09-23)Zc3h12c is a member of the Zc3h12 endoribonuclease family (also known as MCPIP/Regnase), which contains four members (Zc3h12a-c). This family of proteins is characterized by the presence of a single centrally located ... -
Role of Neuroligin-2 and its Interacting Inhibitory Synapse Organizers in the Circuits of Fear Learning and Anxiety
(2022-06-03)Neuroligin-2 (Nlgn2) is a synaptic adhesion molecule that promotes the maturation and function of inhibitory synapses. Lack of Nlgn2 in mice produced a reduction in inhibitory synaptic transmission in many brain regions. ... -
Characterization of Synaptic Transmission Abnormalities in Neurological Disorders of the Presynaptic Terminal
(2022-03-04)Seminal methodological advancements in the field of human genetics now allow for low-cost sequencing of complete coding genomes, and rich sources of corresponding data now exist for healthy and patient cohorts, allowing ... -
Epigenetic regulation by BAF (mSWI/SNF) chromatin remodeling complexes in late cortical development and beyond
(2019-08-29)The multi-subunit BAF (SWI/SNF) complex is capable of using energy generated from ATP hydrolysis to reorder chromatin structure. Such chromatin changes are known to affect cell biological processes through gene expression ... -
Dissecting synaptic mechanisms of sound encoding in the mouse cochlea
(2019-05-23)Cochlear inner hair cells (IHCs) are the genuine sensory receptors that translate sound-borne cochlear vibrations into neuronal signals via ribbon synapses with the spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs). The precise mechanisms ... -
Olfactory neurogenesis during tissue maintenance and repair
(2018-06-12)During metamorphosis, the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis undergoes a fundamental transformation from a fully aquatic larva to a secondarily aquatic adult. This extensive habitat change requires major adaptations including ... -
TRPV1 regulates excitatory innervation of oriens lacunosum moleculare (OLM) neurons in the hippocampus to affect synaptic plasticity
(2017-01-11)The transient receptor potential vanilloid channel 1 (TRPV1) is a non-selective ion channel capable of being activated by multiple factors such as noxious stimuli, heat (>42 °C), low pH and pungent agents. Due to its pivotal ...