Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Referee "Ducho, Christian Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Synthese des dansylierten Park-Nucleotids und vereinfachter Analoga der Muraymycin-Antibiotika
(2014-04-24)The conversion of Park's nucleotide to Lipid I in the bacterial cell wall biosynthesis is catalyzed by the enzyme MraY. This enzyme is an interesting target for new antibiotics. In the present thesis a total synthesis of ... -
Synthese und Eigenschaften der Lipid-Einheit von Muraymycin-Antibiotika
(2012-12-12)The present thesis deals with the synthesis of lipidated and non-lipidated 3-L-hydroxyleucin derivatives as well as the synthesis of different derivatives and analogues of the lipid side chain of muraymycin A1. Within ... -
Synthese von Capreomycidin- und Epicapreomycidin-haltigen Naturstoff-Bausteinen
(2012-05-11)(2S,3R) Capreomycidine (‘epicapreomycidine’) are arginine derived non proteinogenic amino acids and can be found as constituents of natural products (e.g. viomycin in the case of capreomycidine and epicapreomycidine in ... -
Neue Biofilminhibitoren mittels Metagenom-Strategie und marine Streptomyceten, neue Naturstoffe, Synthesen und Biosynthesen
(2010-11-22)This thesis is divided in four separate sections. The first part deals with the synthesis and chemical analysis of novel biofilm inhibitors as a part of a joint research project for the ... -
Totalsynthese von Camptothecin
(2008-10-22)The pentacyclic alkaloid camptothecin exhibits pronounced cytotoxicity. Within the framework of structure-property-relationship studies irinotecan (camptosar®) and topotecan (hycamtin®) as ...