Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Referee "Geisel, Theo Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 30
Coupled dynamics of the spread of COVID-19, interventions and human behaviour
(2024-03-14)The COVID-19 pandemic has presented an unprecedented challenge to global health, prompting a need for comprehensive research into the coupled dynamics of virus spread, intervention strategies, and human behavior. This ... -
Collective Spiking Dynamics in Cortical Networks
(2020-10-14)Even though information processing in the cortex most likely emerges from the collective interplay of billions of neurons, even basic properties of collective dynamics in cortical networks are still not known with certainty. ... -
Ballistic electron transport in graphene nanodevices and billiards
(2019-10-17)Nanodevices are objects with broad relevance for today's society, which bases its economy, operation, and communication onto digital resources. In ballistic nanodevices, disorder has either negligible or minor impact on ... -
Encoding of complex sounds in the auditory midbrain
(2015-06-16)How complex natural sounds such as speech and vocalizations are encoded in the main converging center of the auditory midbrain is not yet fully understood. For multi-units, which are composed of several single neurons, ... -
Bursting dynamics and topological structure of in vitro neuronal networks
(2012-11-15)The complex relationship between network structure and dynamics is investigated in neuronal networks in vitro. The most prominent dynamics in these cultured networks is synchronous bursting. As the onset of these bursts ... -
Synchronization, Neuronal Excitability, and Information Flow in Networks of Neuronal Oscillators
(2012-09-27)Synchronization is an omnipresent phenomenon in the dynamics of complex neuronal networks, emerging between single neurons as the simultaneous generation of action potentials and on larger spatial scales in the ... -
Transport in nicht-hermiteschen niedrigdimensionalen Systemen
(2012-01-05)In this work, scientific methods and findings known from mesoscopic physics, primarily used for semiconductor nanostructures, will be transferred to photonic systems, enabled by the analogy ... -
Symmetry Breaking and Pattern Selection in Models of Visual Development
(2010-10-13)Response properties of neurons in the visual cortex form spatial representations called maps of several stimulus features such as orientation preference (OP) or ocular dominance (OD). This ... -
Goal-Oriented Control of Self-Organizing Behavior in Autonomous Robots
(2010-05-18)We study adaptive control algorithms within a dynamical systems approach for autonomous robots that cause the self-organization of coordinated behaviors without specific goals or particular ... -
Eine Symmetrie der visuellen Welt in der Architektur des visuellen Kortex.
(2009-12-15)Neurons in the visual cortex respond best to oriented visual stimuli at a particular position in the visual field. Their selectivities for position and orientation vary systematically along ... -
Self-Organizing Control for Autonomous Robots
(2009-11-04)This thesis presents a self-referential dynamical systems approach to adaptive robot control. The central idea consists of the maintenance of behavioral activity in a robot, according to ... -
A Mathematical Approach to Self-Organized Criticality in Neural Networks
(2008-12-22)Self-organized criticality (SOC) is one of the key concepts to describe the emergence of complexity in natural systems. Recently a candidate for a SOC system has been found in the recordings ... -
Directed Chaos in Magnetic Billiard Systems
(2007-01-29)In this thesis, we report our studies of various aspects of directed chaotic transport in the realm of quasi-one-dimensional billiard chains in the presence of a magnetic field perpendicular ... -
Pattern selection in the visual cortex
(2006-04-25)The orientation map in the primary visual cortex is an important model system for studying cortical development. By quantifying large sets of functional brain imaging data we find that the ... -
Dynamical modeling with application to friction phenomena
(2005-11-22)The thesis deals with dynamical modeling as an alternative approach to the conventional way of modeling with static models. From the perspective of generalized synchronization the main ... -
Dynamics of Population Coding in the Cortex
(2005-08-19)In this thesis, I investigate the action potential (AP) initiation dynamics in cortical neurons and its consequences for dynamical population coding in the cortex.In chapter 3, I assess the ... -
Data driven analysis of brain activity and functional connectivity in fMRI
(2003-12-18)In this thesis the perspectives of statistical and graph-theoretical methods for the analysis of fMRI data are investigated. This involves preprocessing, extraction of components, functional ... -
Charakterisierung von einer retrograden Modulation inhibitorischer synaptischer Transmission im Kleinhirn der Ratte
(2003-12-15)In recent years, a lot of interest has been given to retrograde modulatory mechanisms of synaptic transmission: in many regions of the central nervous system, substances released from ... -
Superdiffusion in Scale-Free Inhomogeneous Environments
(2003-08-21)We investigate the impact of external potentials on superdiffusive random walks known as Lévy flights and show that even strongly superdiffusive transport is substantially affected by ... -
Open Mesoscopic Systems: beyond the Random Matrix Theory
(2003-08-19)Physical systems having sizes between microscopic and macroscopic are referred to as mesoscopic. The motion in mesoscopic systems is phase-coherent, that means they must be treated ...