Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Referee "Gerken, Martina Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Grassland management with horses: Its role in grassland utilization in Germany and the effects on grassland vegetation
(2021-01-19)Grazing is a well known management tool to increase and maintain species richness in grasslands. Generally, livestock grazing enhances sward structural heterogeneity due to dietary choices, trampling, nutrient cycling and ... -
Beiträge zur ernährungsphysiologischen Bewertung optimaler Methionin:Cystein Relationen in der Masthähnchenernährung unter besonderer Beachtung hoher Mischungsanteile von Insektenmehlen als alternative Eiweißquelle für Sojaprotein
(2019-06-04)Literature data on the optimal supply of growing meat-type chickens with the sulfur containing amino acids (SAA) show significant variations. Due to the close metabolic link of methionine (Met) and cysteine (Cys), the ... -
Beiträge zur Berücksichtigung des Eigenwertes von Tieren im Rahmen wohlfahrtsökonomischer Analysen
(2018-05-28)Nature can be valued in various ways. In the comprehension of the total value of nature two common approaches for the assessment of nature can be distinguished. Environmental economic analyzes are based on an anthropocentric ... -
Social relationships of female Guinea baboons (Papio papio) in Senegal
(2017-08-02)Biologists and psychologists have held a long-term fascination for understanding sex-specific life history behaviours. Selection pressures occur via three main evolutionary mechanisms which may influence males and females ... -
Genetische Analyse von Verhaltensmerkmalen beim Schwein
(2016-01-12)This thesis deals with different behaviour parameters in pigs, which were measured during different production periods. The aims of the thesis were to investigate traits that characterise agonistic behaviour as well as ... -
Studies on dietary methionine efficiency and requirement in naked neck and normally feathered growing chickens
(2015-04-16)A total of five experiments were conducted with naked neck and normally feathered chickens. The experiments were conducted for the estimation of nitrogen deposition potential, modeling of methionine (Met) requirement in ... -
Analyse und Bewertung physikalisch-chemischer und stofflicher Parameter auf die Freisetzung von biogenen Gasen und luftgetragenen Partikeln aus Substraten bei der Haltung von Warmblutpferden in eingestreuten Einzelboxen
(2009-07-17)In this study, different bedding materials were analysed and compared under standardized laboratory and in situ conditions, to determine which material is best suited for creating an improved ... -
Untersuchungen zur Vermeidung des gegenseitigen Besaugens unter Kälbern durch den Einsatz eines Saugnuckels mit erhöhtem Saugwiderstand
(2007-04-11)Cross-sucking is an abnormal behaviour pattern which often occurs in calves reared in group-housed systems. The reason for cross-sucking is seen in the satisfaction deficiency in sucking ... -
Die Implementierung der Selektion gegen Osteochondrose in ein Zuchtprogramm beim Warmblutpferd
(2005-12-27)Osteochondrosis (OC) is a skeletal disease caused by disturbed bone formation and can lead to loose bone fragments in the joints (OCD). Affected horses have a higher risk for locomotion ...