Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Referee "Gerold, Gerhard Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 45
Classification of main irrigated crop types towards sustainable development using Landsat and Sentinel data by GIS and remote sensing techniques in a semi-arid area in Tashkent Province, Uzbekistan
(2024-02-02)As the world population increases and cropland expansion occurs, there will be a high need in the food supply soon which will require higher agricultural yields. Crop yield estimation, management, and production assessments ... -
Impacts of rainforest transformation into oil-palm plantations on silicon pools in soils
(2023-03-30)Silicon (Si) is the second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust. In rocks, Si primarily occurs as primary silicates. In soils, Si is present mostly as secondary silicates or amorphous silica of biogenic or pedogenic ... -
Above- and belowground biomass and nutrient stocks in monoculture and agroforestry cacao production systems in the Alto Beni, Bolivia
(2022-03-08)There is hardly any place left on earth that can be considered untouched nature. Humans penetrate into all areas of this earth, and may it be through greenhouse gas emissions or other types of air and environmental pollution. ... -
Monitoring forest fragmentation and carbon storage in the Cerrado Biome of Mato Grosso using optical and SAR satellite images
(2021-01-15)Several studies suggested that forest fragmentation, which is an effect of deforestation, and edge effect have an impact on the biomas and carbon stock in tropical forest. For Amazon and Atlantic Forest biomes, most studies ... -
Ecological and socio-economic effects of industrial oil palm plantations in Southwest Cameroon
(2020-05-14)Rural agroforestry landscapes in West and Central Africa face a number of threats. Since decades, the ever escalating bushmeat crisis is pushing populations of threatened wildlife closer to extinction in many parts of West ... -
Air Surface Temperature Estimation Using MODIS Land Surface Temperature Data in Northwest Vietnam
(2019-07-26)There is increasing demand for air surface temperature (Ta) data that can capture information for a large area or for a region, since this kind of data is an important parameter for a wide range of applications. However, ... -
Analyses of hydrological and hydrochemical fluxes in selected catchments of the Cerrado and Amazon biomes
(2019-03-12)On many levels, there is a lack of understanding regarding the impacts of deforestation on water resources and soil properties in the Amazon-Cerrado ecotone, where the Amazonian agricultural frontier is mostly present. ... -
Conceptual Planning of Managed Aquifer Recharge in the Context of Integrated Water Resources Management for a semi-arid and a tropical Case Study in Palestine and Brazil: A new Integrated MAR Planning Approach.
(2018-08-07)This thesis focuses on the development, application and evaluation of new integrative approach for the planning of Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) concepts in the context of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). The ... -
Plant Diversity and hydrological relations to groundwater in the riparian zone of Cerrado in Mato Grosso (Brazil)
(2018-04-12)The riparian zones are essential to environmental quality, providing human society with several ecosystems services. Nonetheless, in tropical ecosystems, an intensive overexploitation of resources can hinder their resilience ... -
Impact of climate and land use change on water resources, crop production and land degradation in a semi-arid area (using remote sensing, GIS and hydrological modeling)
(2015-05-05)Water resources have become scarcer in semi-arid regions of Iran due to increasing water use and recurrent drought. Any change to the hydrological cycle may have significant effects on the fragile ecosystems of Iran’s arid ... -
Challenges and perspectives of the North Frisian Halligen Hooge, Langeness and Nordstrandischmoor
(2015-03-03)Low coastlands, marshlands and islands all over the world are challenged by rising water levels due to climatic changes. Especially tidal marshlands can compensate for a certain degree of hydrological changes. Their rate ... -
Highly resolved thermal analysis as a tool for simultaneous quantification of total carbon, organic carbon, inorganic carbon and soil organic carbon fractions in landscapes
(2015-02-25)To quantify and evermore qualify carbon in soils have become highly timely task in landscape ecology. However, separating soil organic carbon (SOC) into different ecologically relevant fractions is difficult. Particularly ... -
Adaptation to climate change as a key element in strategic planning of biodiversity conservation in Latin America, with special reference to the Santa Cruz department, Bolivia
(2014-06-25)This study is based on a conceptual analysis of climate-induced stresses as well as the revision of management plans of protected areas across the Americas, with a particular focus on the protected areas of the Santa Cruz ... -
Auswirkungen des regionalen Klimawandels auf die Entwicklung der Biomasseerträge ausgewählter landwirtschaftlicher Nutzpflanzen in Niedersachsen
(2013-12-13)Lower Saxony (total land area about 46,500 km2) constitutes one of the most important agricultural areas in Germany and thus within Europe. However today, there exists no comprehensive account on the impacts of climate ... -
Zerstörungsfreie Wurzelortung mit geophysikalischen Methoden im urbanen Raum
(2013-10-08)The aim of the work was to analyse whether Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) are suitable to detect tree roots in urban areas. The non-destructive visualisation of roots was ... -
Geographic Determinants of Human Schistosomiasis Transmission in the Sourou Valley, Burkina Faso
(2013-08-22)Schistosomiasis (also known as Bilharzia or Bilharziasis) is the second most prevalent neglected tropical disease (NTD) after hookworm and is caused by infection with blood flukes of the genus Schistosoma. More than 85% ... -
The application of remote sensing, GIS, geostatistics, and ecological modeling in rangelands assessment and improvement
(2013-08-19)Human-caused ove rgrazing and drought periods have led to the land degradation which might cause an eventual loss of biodiversity in rangeland ecosystems of Iran. Therefore, assessment of the current condition of rangelands ... -
Policy options to reduce deforestation in the Bolivian lowlands based on spatial modeling of land use change
(2013-01-09)Tropical deforestation represents one of the most urgent environmental problems of our time; it contributes heavily to climate change, causes immense losses of biodiversity and endangers important environmental services. ... -
Der Einfluss des Klimawandels auf die Häufigkeit von Hautkrebserkrankungen
(2010-01-18)UV radiation is one of the major factors causing skin cancer. Mostly ozone hole are regarded as important factors with an impact on skin cancer. Climate change is in many studies not included. ... -
Geographic Determinants of Malaria Transmission
(2010-01-13)Despite massive efforts for malaria control, the disease remains an important threat to human health in many tropical and subtropical regions. Malaria is of particular importance for the African continent, with most of the ...