Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Referee "Rehfeldt, Florian Dr."
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Actin structure formation, membrane dynamics, and force generation during blood platelet spreading
(2023-03-17)Blood platelets are essential to the formation of blood clots and prevent uncontrolled bleeding. They are non-nucleated fragments of larger bone marrow cells known as megakaryocytes. Platelets undergo fast morphological ... -
Multi-parameter assessment of mechano-sensitivity driven differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells
(2020-12-22)What factors and conditions control stem cell differentiation is currently one of the major questions in biomedical research. What factors ultimately influence the cells’ decision is unclear but it has been shown, that ... -
Functional Nanocomposite Hydrogels Based on Cellulose Nanocrystals
(2020-11-03)Hydrogels are ubiquitous in nature, which are three-dimensionally (3D) crosslinked polymer networks with amounts of water inside. Naturally, they can be regarded as semi/solid showing intermediate properties of solid and ... -
isoSTED microscopy for live cell imaging
(2019-05-08)Far-field fluorescence microscopy is a versatile tool for the non-invasive investigation of intracellular structures and thus for live cell imaging. This is a major advantage over other microscopy methods such as electron ... -
Modeling electrodynamics in the vicinity of metal nanostructures
(2019-03-08)In this work, we show how a profound theoretical understanding of a seemingly exotic phenomenon, namely the influence of metal structures on fluorescence lifetimes, has lead to the development of a microscopy technique ... -
3d virtual histology of neuronal tissue by propagation-based x-ray phase-contrast tomography
(2018-07-05)Deciphering the three-dimensional (3d) cytoarchitecture of neuronal tissue is an important step towards understanding the connection between tissue function and structure and determining relevant changes in neurodegenerative ... -
X-Ray Micro- and Nano-Diffraction Imaging on Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Differentiated Cells
(2017-06-13)Recent advances in hard x-ray optics, instrumentation and detection have made it possible to probe biological samples by combining diffraction with raster scanning, using step sizes on the order of cellular organelle ... -
Tomographic STED Microscopy
(2017-03-09)Due to its non-invasive access to sub-cellular structures, far-field fluorescence microscopy constitutes one of the most prevalent methods in the life sciences. For more than one century, it had been common knowledge ... -
Verknüpfung zwischen Plasmamembran und Zytoskelett
(2016-09-22)The dynamic linkage between the plasma membrane and the underlying cytoskeleton of the cell is fundamental for cellular processes like cell morphogenesis, cell motility and cell adhesion. Ezrin as a member of the ERM ... -
Modell der Bildung und Stabilität von Adhäsionsclustern in biologischen Membranen
(2013-08-22)Cellular adhesion is pivotal in cell development, tissue formation and motility. The orchestration of cellular adhesion is an intricate process that involves a multitude of specialized proteins but at the same time follows ...