Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Referee "Rehling, Peter Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
Biochemical characterization of human shieldin complex
(2022-08-01)Shieldin is a newly identified DNA repair effector involved in repair of double strand breaks (DSBs) in G1 phase of cell cycle. Shieldin is a four-component complex consisting of proteins SHLD1, SHLD2, SHLD3 and HORMA REV7. ... -
Elucidation of protein-protein interactions in mitochondria by cross-linking mass spectrometry
(2020-08-04)Saccharomyces cerevisiae can generate energy in form of ATP either by fermenting or by respiring nutrition. This depends on the availability of fermentable or non-fermentable carbon sources. The respective energy metabolism ... -
Insights into the regulation of RNA helicases by protein cofactors
(2019-02-12)RNA helicases comprise a large family of ubiquitously expressed enzymes that remodel RNA structures and RNA-protein complexes in an NTP-dependent manner. These proteins are essential regulators of every RNA-related process, ... -
Investigating the Role of ROMO1 in Mitochondrial Protein Import and Inner Membrane Morphology
(2018-10-18)Mitochondria are vital organelles that perform fundamental functions such as ATP synthesis and iron-sulfur cluster formation. More than 99% of the mitochondrial proteome is imported by dedicated translocation machineries. ... -
Etablierung eines Nachweisverfahrens zur Untersuchung der räumlichen und zeitlichen Verteilung mitochondrial translatierter Proteine mit hochauflösender STED-Mikroskopie durch metabolische Markierung mit nicht-kanonischen Aminosäuren
(2017-09-14)Metabolic labeling of nascent polypeptides using non-canonical amino acids is a valuable tool enabling researchers to introduce bioorthogonal functional groups into proteins. These can subsequentially be used for identifying ... -
Characterization of chondrogenic progenitor cells using mass spectrometry and multidimensional separation approaches
(2015-07-03)Modern day mass spectrometry (MS) has evolved into a powerful analytical technique, central to the field of proteomics. Currently, the identification and quantification of proteins from different biological samples can be ... -
Untersuchung der sub-mitochondrialen Lokalisation des MINOS-Komplexes in humanen Zellen
(2014-05-28)MINOS (mitochondrial inner membrane organizing structure) is a large hetero-oligomeric complex in the inner mitochondrial membrane. Originally identified in mitochondria of yeast cells, components of the complex were found ... -
Protein interactions along the presequence import pathway
(2014-05-09)In this thesis the mechanisms of protein transport by the translocase of the inner mitochondrial membrane (TIM23) was investigated. Purified presequence peptides containing a p-benzophenyalalanine were established as a ... -
Analysis of CRM1- and Nup214- dependent nuclear export of proteins
(2012-12-12)Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are giant units of the nuclear envelope, mediating directional transport into and out of the nucleus. Nucleoporins are the main components of the NPC, and one third of them contain ... -
Deneddylation and fungal development - Regulation of Nedd8 protein modification by DenA and the COP9 signalosome
(2012-08-16)Ubiquitin dependent protein degradation is a common principle in eukaryotic organisms to control appropriate temporal and spatial protein levels. Abnormal regulation leads to embryonic lethality in plants, insects and ... -
Biogenesis of respiratory chain: Rcf1 and Rcf2 as a novel assembly factors
(2012-07-04)The mitochondrial respiratory chain consists of four membrane-embedded electron transport complexes (complexes I – IV) and the ATP synthesizing F1F0ATPase. Within the inner mitochondrial membrane these complexes assemble ... -
Dynamics and interactions of the voltage-dependent anion channel 1 studied by NMR spectroscopy
(2012-06-20)The voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC), the most abundant protein in the outer mitochondrial membrane, acts as a gatekeeper for the entry and exit of mitochondrial metabolites and is involved in mitochondrial apoptosis. ... -
Analysis of the role of Mdm38 in respiratory chain biogenesis
(2011-07-25)The present work illuminates the role of the mitochondrial protein Mdm38 in the biogenesis of the respiratory chain of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It is a homolog of the human LETM1, ...