Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Referee "Rein, Martin Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Investigation of boundary layer transition at high Reynolds numbers using time-resolved temperature-sensitive paint
(2024-08-23)Understanding the fundamental principles of the processes that lead to laminar-turbulent transition on aerodynamic surfaces is of significant importance to correctly describe, model and perhaps ultimately influence the ... -
Experimental Investigation of Micrometric Droplets and Artificial Particles
(2022-04-28)Clouds and atmospheric particles (e.g. ice crystals, smoke, dust or pollen) heavily influence Earth's energy budget and contribute to the largest uncertainties in climate prediction models. Their treatment involves a huge ... -
Stoßinduzierte Strömungsablösung in transitionellen Grenzschichten
(2022-01-21)The effects of transitional shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions (SWBLI) on the induced heat loads and the development of the laminar-turbulent transition are the subject of this work. Experimental investigations were ... -
Beeinflussung des laminar-turbulenten Grenzschichtumschlags durch kontrollierte Anregung stationärer Querströmungsinstabilitäten
(2021-07-09)The delay of laminar-turbulent transition, e.g. on aircraft wings, is of special interest because of the possible drag reduction. To study a nonlinear method for delaying crossflow-dominated transition called Upstream ... -
Identifizierung eines Flattermechanismus an einem superkritischen Profil unter laminarer Strömung
(2021-06-18)The transonic flow around elastic bodies can lead to complex, nonlinear aeroelastic interactions. So far, hardly any aeroelastic systems have been investigated in which the laminar-turbulent boundary layer transition ... -
Development of a time-resolved quantitative surface-temperature measurement technique and its application in short-duration wind tunnel testing
(2018-07-13)In this cumulative thesis, a time-resolved quantitative temperature-sensitive paint (TSP) measurement technique was developed and used to measure temperatures at subsonic and up to hypersonic flow velocities in two different ... -
Experimental investigation of coherent structures generated by active and passive separation control in turbulent backward-facing step flow
(2015-08-06)This dissertation presents the experimental investigation of coherent structures which were generated by active and passive separation control devices in a turbulent backward-facing step (BFS) flow. The Reynolds number was ... -
Molekulardynamische Untersuchungen zur Binnendynamik kollabierender Blasen
(2009-06-23)This work deals with the numerical simulation of cavitation- and sonoluminescence-bubbles, as well as laser-induced bubbles. The interior of the bubble is simulated by molecular ... -
Particle - Tracking - Velocimetry - Messungen an kollabierenden Kavitationsblasen
(2008-12-01)The flowfields around cavitation bubbles collapsing near obstacles are investigated in this work. For this purpose, photographs of the laser-induced bubbles are taken and the method of ...