Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Referee "Rizzi, Angela Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
UV laser modification of transparent materials for photonic applications
(2023-04-28)Photonic applications have experienced strong growth in recent years. Due to increasing digitalization and automation in all areas of life, further growth of photonics is expected in the future. The broad range of photonic ... -
Untersuchungen zum Lumineszenzverhalten des Aluminiumnitrids und der Aufbau einer Kurzzeit-Lumineszenz-Spektroskopie-Apparatur
(2017-07-07)This thesis consists of three different parts. In the first part it gives the reader an overview of the published results describing near band-edge as well as defect related luminescence in aluminium nitride, also presenting ... -
Development of InGaN/GaN nanostructures
(2017-02-06)In this work, the mechanisms regulating the selective area growth (SAG) of GaN-based nanostructures have been investigated, under different growth conditions, with the aim of improving the control over the growth of InGaN/GaN ... -
Spin injection in MnGa/ GaN heterostructures
(2016-01-12)Due to the perfect epitaxial match of ferromagnetic MnGa on GaN and spin transport properties of GaN (long spin life time), the hybride MnGa/GaN is a promising material for future spintronic devices to examine. The ... -
Synthesis and investigation of frustrated Honeycomb lattice iridates and rhodates
(2014-08-11)Iridates have attracted considerable interest in the last few years due to their potential to host novel electronic and magnetic phases mediated by the combination of strong spin orbit coupling and electronic correlations. ... -
InN and In-rich InGaN Nanocolumns by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
(2012-02-01)The focus of this thesis is on InN and InGaN semiconductor-nanowires. The aim is to gain a deeper understanding of the electronic properties of InN nanowires and the growth mechanisms of ... -
Towards high electron mobility in Gan(0001) based InGaN and AlGaN heterostructures
(2011-11-18)In this work, the MBE growth of GaN/InGaN and GaN/AlGaN heterostructures was optimized with respect to high electron mobilities in two dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) at low temperatures. ... -
Structural, magnetic and electrical transport properties of GaN-based magnetic semiconductors and hybrid structures
(2011-05-24)Semiconductors, materials in which the charge transport can be well controlled, are at present invaluable ingredients in the emerging field of information technology. The elemental modules ... -
GaN:Gd - Ein verdünnter magnetischer Halbleiter?
(2011-03-09)In this thesis the magnetic properties of GaN:Gd layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) are adressed. Structural analysis confirmes the substitutional incorporation of Gd on a Ga site ... -
Ferromagnetismus bei Raumtemperatur in mehrphasigen (Ga,Mn)N Schichten und Heterostrukturen
(2009-09-15)(Ga,Mn)N is a GaN-based dilute magnetic semiconductor (DMS) and thus a promising system for semiconductor spintronic applications. Within the scope of this thesis thin layers of Mn doped ... -
Optische Eigenschaften von verdünnten magnetischen Halbleitern auf GaN-Basis
(2008-06-26)Various GaN-based diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) were characterized in the course of this work. The main topic was GaMnN and there especially the relation between growth conditions ... -
Ion-beam mixing of Fe/Si bilayers
(2006-02-17)The present study focuses on the changes in the structural and magnetic properties in Fe/Si bilayers induced by heavy-ion irradiation (14N, 40Ar, 84Kr, 132Xe, 197Au). With respect ...