Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Referee "Roffael, Edmone Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Insect olfaction as an information filter for chemo-analytical applications
(2014-04-17)The olfaction of insect species is adapted to the requirements of the specific ecosystem they are living in. Volatiles perceived by insects can transport information on the location of an oviposition place or the physiological ... -
Actions of lignocellulolytic enzymes on Abies grandis(grand fir) wood for application in biofuel production
(2010-11-02)Abies grandis is a fast growing coniferous tree with a high potential for sustainable wood production and applications in the wood product industry. However, for the possible applications ... -
Verwendung von biotechnologisch durch den Rotfäulepilz Heterobasidion annosum in vivo degradiertem Fichtenholz als Rohstoff für die Herstellung von Holzwerkstoffen
(2009-09-02)Norway spruce is the economical most important tree species of German forestry. About 32 % of German forest area is covered of Norway spruce. About 20 % of the harvested spruce wood in ... -
Einsatz von Mediatoren bei der enzymatischen Aktivierung der fasereigenen Bindekräfte zur Herstellung von enzymgebundenen, bindemittelfreien Holzwerkstoffen
(2008-07-09)Beside the saw-log industry the derived timber products industry is the the second most important segment of the raw wood useage in Germany today. In the year 2006 the production volume of ... -
Untersuchung von biotechnologisch durch den Pilz <i>Heterobasidion annosum in vivo</i> degradiertem Fichtenholz als Pflanzensubstrat und Torfersatz
(2007-07-24)In Europe 95 % of the conventional culture substrates in horticulture are based on peat. In Germany about 10 Mio. m³ of peat are utilised each year, whereof 80 % are used for horticultural ... -
Entwicklung eines naturnahen Bindemittels aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen auf Proteinbasis zur Herstellung von Mitteldichten Faserplatten
(2007-01-31)During the industrial production of wheat-based starch and vital gluten (Triticum aestivum) every year huge amounts of by products accrue. This by product - called wheat protein ... -
Mechanisch-enzymatischer Aufschluss von Kartoffelpülpe als Bindemittel zur Herstellung von Holzwerkstoffen
(2005-08-29)During the production of starch from potatoes huge amounts of the by-product potato pulp are produced. Potato pulp consists of parenchymatic cellular tissue that contains cell aggregates, ...