Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Referee "Schaefer, Matthias Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 33
Services and disservices driven by ant communities in tropical agroforests
(2013-05-30)Agricultural productivity and human well-being are built upon ecosystem services and disservices. Ants in tropical agroecosystems drive a complex network of direct and indirect interactions between crops and their mutualists ... -
Local and landscape management effects on syrphid fly guilds: flower strips, farming practice and hedges
(2013-02-26)During the last decades, agriculture has transformed into highly effective and economically optimized production systems with extended cultivation areas and increased usage of fertilizers and pesticides. This development ... -
Long-term development of different grassland insect communities in Central Europe since the 1950s
(2011-09-13)Central European landscape considerably changed during the second half of the 20th century. These changes are probably mainly caused by modern agriculture. Today, Central Europe consists ... -
The impact of ants on the aboveground and belowground ecological network - field studies in a grassland and experiments with microcosms
(2011-03-15)In this work, two areas of ants` functioning in ecosystem were studied. On the one hand, I investigated how ants affect the aboveground system by acting as mutualistic partners and predators ... -
Untersuchungen zu Spinnengemeinschaften in Kakaoagroforstsystemen in Indonesien: Diversität, Netzdichte und räumlich-zeitlicher Artenaustausch
(2010-10-22)Primary rainforests and the associated biodiversity are disappearing from tropical landscapes at accelerating rates due to agricultural expansion. Cacao agroforestry systems are commonly ... -
Diversity and trophic structure of the soil fauna and its influence on litter decomposition in deciduous forests with increasing tree species diversity
(2009-09-29)The relationship between species diversity and ecosystem function is an important topic of modern ecological research. Plant diversity has often been found to affect structural and ... -
Funktionelle Vielfalt von Hymenopteren entlang eines Gradienten agroforstlicher Nutzung in Indonesien
(2008-03-19)The rate of deforestation of primary tropical forests due to agricultural expansion is higher in Southeast Asia compared to all other world's tropical regions. Deforestation in tropical forests is a major threat for ... -
Conservation Value of Logging Concession Areas in the Tropical Rainforest of the Korup Region, Southwest Cameroon
(2008-02-11)Tropical rainforests are home for renewable natural resources for living and non living things. The dynamic and interdependent nature of tropical rainforest components make it a fragile ... -
Ensuring the Safety of Classical Biological Control for Cabbage Seedpod Weevil in Canada: Assessment of the Ecological Host Range of Candidate Ectoparasitoids in Europe and Clarification of their Taxonomic Status
(2007-09-19)Classical biological control of insect pests and weeds can lead to potential conflicts, particularly if the insect pest and weed agents are closely related. Such a conflict may occur in ... -
Insect diversity and trophic interactions in shaded cacao agroforestry and natural forests in Indonesia
(2006-11-22)In the tropics, human modification of pristine habitats is currently causing unprecedented biodiversity losses. In tropical landscapes, traditional shade agroforestry increasingly makes up ... -
Acetabularia-Rhodopsin, eine lichtgetriebene Protonenpumpe aus einem autotrophen Eukaryoten
(2006-10-23)A rhodopsin from Acetabularia acetabulum (AR) is characterized by molecular genetic and electophysiological means. On the basis of a published, incomplete sequence, the whole transcript ... -
Bees and wasps in agricultural landscapes: effects of dispersal corridors and land-use intensity at multiple spatial scales
(2006-08-04)Agricultural landscapes are characterized by close interactions between annually ploughed crop fields and relatively little disturbed noncrop areas. Many species have adapted to these mosaic ... -
Pflanze-Herbivore-Parasitoid Interaktionen auf Wildrosenarten und ihren Hybriden entlang eines geographischen Gradienten
(2006-03-24)Phenotypes of closely related plant species have been shown to affect higher trophic levels. Multitrophic interactions between host plant species, herbivores and natural enemies may change depending on phenotypic ... -
Räumlich-zeitliche Auswirkungen der Landnuzung auf die Diversität von Bienen und Wespen.
(2006-03-17)Anthropogenic land use changes may have major consequences for global biodiversity and the functioning and stability of ecosystem processes. However, species diversity is determined by a ... -
Factors controlling the lower elevational limits in tropical montane plants in the Andes and their implications under the current climatic change
(2006-01-31)To date all experimental approaches on the mechanisms that determine the lower elevational limits of plants have been carried out in temperate regions. Despite of the concrete and relevant ... -
Butterfly communities in the natural landscape of West Khentej, northern Mongolia: diversity and conservation value
(2006-01-16)This thesis provides an insight into the natural history of butterfly species which are found in the West Khentej mountains of northern Mongolia. The study area is located in the transition ... -
Tree cavity abundance and nest site selection of cavity nesting birds in a natural boreal forest of West Khentey, Mongolia
(2005-07-25)Due to their close association with trees and cavities, cavity-nesting birds (CNBs) are highly sensitive to the alteration of forest structure. Therefore they are considered as indicators ... -
Mammal conservation status and prospects for community-based wildlife management in coastal Guinea-Bissau, West Africa
(2005-07-12)In Guinea-Bissau, wildlife species in general and mammals in particular are suffering increasing pressure, mainly from overhunting and habitat reduction and fragmentation. The lack of ... -
The Impact of Mowing and Flooding on the Diversity of Arthropods in Floodplain Grassland Habitats of the Lower Oder Valley National Park, Germany
(2005-05-25)It was the aim of this study to analyse the impact of land use and flooding on the diversity of arthropods living in temporarily flooded grassland habitats.The Lower Oder Valley National Park was ... -
Ameisen als Schlüsseltiergruppe in einem Grasland
(2004-10-28)Ants as eusocial predators living in the soil and ground litter are able to directly or indirectly affect soil organisms, herbivores and plants via trophic interactions ("top-down") and ...