Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Referee "Tischner, Rudolf Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
MHC-Klasse-I-Gene von Weißbüschelaffen (Callithrix jacchus) und deren Expression im Gehirn
(2008-01-17)MHC class I genes and their products are essential components of the adaptive immune response. According to numerous studies it was assumed that neurons do not express MHC class I genes ... -
Acetabularia-Rhodopsin, eine lichtgetriebene Protonenpumpe aus einem autotrophen Eukaryoten
(2006-10-23)A rhodopsin from Acetabularia acetabulum (AR) is characterized by molecular genetic and electophysiological means. On the basis of a published, incomplete sequence, the whole transcript ... -
Untersuchungen zu Nitrat-induzierbaren Proteinen der Plasmamembran von Chlorella saccharophila (Krüger) Nadson
(2002-12-05)The uptake of nitrate as the most important nitrogen source for higher and lower plants is mediated through constitutive and inducible nitrate-transport systems in the plasma membrane (PM). ... -
Analyse des Transkriptionsfaktors TGA2.1 aus Nicotiana tabacum
(2002-04-02)The thesis explores the possible function of the plant transcription factor TGA2.1. For this purpose genetically modified plants were generated in which a) TGA2.1 was ectopically overexpressed ... -
Untersuchungen zur Dynamik des Nährstofftransports im Xylem von Pappeln unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Stickstoffversorgung des Sprosses
(2001-10-02)Long-distance transport of nutrients from root to shoot occurs in the xylem. The aim of this study was to characterise the nutrient transport in the xylem of young poplar. The transport of ... -
Repression der cytosolischen GS1 von Zuckerrüben (Beta vulgaris L. var. altissima) durch Antisense-DNA-Konstrukte
(2001-06-06)The accumulation of the main storage amino acid glutamine in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. cv. altissima) affects the sugar production. In order to reduce the amount of glutamine in sugar ...