Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 5544
21st Century Challenges in Arable Farming - Essays on the Agricultural Land Market and Drone Adoption in Germany
(2021-09-09)This cumulative thesis addresses two key challenges facing modern arable farming in Germany in the 21st century. The first challenge considered is the agricultural land market. The ongoing reduction in the limited production ... -
3-D Modeling of Coronal Mass Ejections with STEREO/SECCHI Data
(2017-02-28)This thesis reports on the three-dimensional analysis of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in order to answer questions about their morphology and to derive their three-dimensional geometry. The questions are about the ... -
3D STED Microscopy with Pulsed and Continuous Wave Lasers
(2008-04-16)STED microscopy improves the resolution of fluorescence microscope by effectively quenching the population of the excited state in the outer regions of the focus. The resolution capability in STED microscopy has already ... -
3d virtual histology of neuronal tissue by propagation-based x-ray phase-contrast tomography
(2018-07-05)Deciphering the three-dimensional (3d) cytoarchitecture of neuronal tissue is an important step towards understanding the connection between tissue function and structure and determining relevant changes in neurodegenerative ... -
3d-Metall-Käfig-Komplexe als Modelle für aktive Zentren von nicht-Häm Proteinen
(2024-10-22)This thesis presents a broad study on a new ligand system, specially designed for the mimicry of the quasi-chelating coordination by amino acid side chain residues in enzymatic pockets. The ligand system is based on an ... -
5HT 2 Rezeptor vermittelte Kontrolle des neonatalen medullären respiratorischen Netzwerks des Säugers
(2002-10-18)The serotonin 2B receptor (5HT 2B receptor) is an important regulator of embryonic development. Inactivation of the 5HT 2B gene leads to embryonic and early neonatal death in mice (Nebigil ... -
6D-Posenbestimmung und 3D-Objektrekonstruktion mittels der 2D-Form von Bildsegmenten
(2022-04-14)This thesis presents a template-based method for the calculation of the 6D pose with a following 3D reconstruction of objects in a scene. In applications for computer-aided manipulations, e.g., in the field of robotics, ... -
A Bayesian approach to dynamic efficiency and productivity measurement
(2017-02-17)The vast majority of the efficiency and productivity measurement literature has been based on the static viewpoint of the firm. Few studies have developed the dynamic analog of static efficiency measurement, introducing ... -
A Bayesian approach to initial model inference in cryo-electron microscopy
(2016-03-18)Single-particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) is widely used to study the structure of macromolecular assemblies. Tens of thousands of noisy two-dimensional images of the macromolecular assembly viewed from different ... -
A Biased Urn Model for Taxonomic Identification
(2009-03-24)We consider a stochastic model for the problem of taxonomic identification in bacterial genomes, motivated by the detection of horizontal gene transfer between non-closely related species. ... -
A Bio-Inspired Autonomous Authentication Mechanism in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
(2012-12-21)A Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET) is an infrastructureless self-configuring network in that nodes themselves create and manage the network in a self-organized manner. Nodes can communicate only with their neighbors that ... -
A Bioinformatics Pipeline for Identifying Dysregulated Pathways in Cancer from Comparative RNA-Seq Transcriptome Analysis
(2022-04-07)Cancer is characterized as a multifactorial disease which undergoes genetic and epige- netic changes during invasive tumor growth. Thus, numerous tumor samples have been profiled using high-throughput sequencing technologies ... -
A Blessing in Disguise? Effects of Oil Palm Adoption on Smallholder Farmers’ Wellbeing and Agricultural Transformation in Indonesia
(2021-06-18)Dramatic land-use change in tropical regions due to oil palm expansion has recently raised controversies in the broader public. Indonesia is one of the countries where such rapid land-use change is happening. In many ... -
A candidate gene-based association study to investigate potentially adaptive genetic variation in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)
(2014-01-24)Climate change models predict higher annual mean temperatures as well as a decrease of precipitation during summer months for Germany. Possible consequences for trees are a prolonged growing season, a higher risk of late ... -
A case study for Skukuza: Estimating biophysical properties of fires using EOS-MODIS satellite data
(2003-12-15)Biomass burning in Africa, explicitly in Southern Africa, contributes excessively to the annual aerosol loading and pyrogenic gas emissions within the African atmospheric system. The frequency ... -
A cell-based NRG1-ERBB4 assay designed for high-throughput compound screening to identify small molecule modulators with relevance for schizophrenia
(2012-12-07)Summary A cell-based NRG1-ERBB4 assay designed for high-throughput compound screening to identify small molecule modulators with relevance for schizophrenia Schizophrenia (SZ) is as severe and phenotypically as well ... -
A Central Limit Theorem for Functions on Weighted Sparse Inhomogeneous Random Graphs
(2023-07-13)We prove a central limit theorem for a certain class of functions on weighted sparse inhomogeneous random graphs. The proof uses a perturbative form of Stein's method and relies on a careful analysis of the local structure ... -
A Characterization Theorem for Local Operators in Factorizing Scattering Models
(2013-01-10)In quantum field theory, the rigorous construction of local observables in the presence of nontrivial interaction is a crucial problem. In a class of integrable quantum field theories, a very abstract existence proof ... -
A Chimera simulation method and Detached Eddy Simulation for vortex-airfoil interactions
(2011-01-25)The present thesis introduces, verifies and validates a numerical simulation method based on an overset grid (or Chimera) technique that allows to simulate the generation and transport ... -
A classification of localizing subcategories by relative homological algebra
(2015-12-17)In this thesis, we use the tools of relative homological algebra in triangulated categories to define a sensible notion of support for objects in the bootstrap class of a Kasparov category of C*-algebras over a finite ...