Die Rolle der endothelialen Progenitorzellen bei Patienten mit axialer Spondylarthropathie
The role of endothelial progenitor cells in patients with axial spondylarthritis
by Maria Elisabeth Vogt
Date of Examination:2019-06-12
Date of issue:2019-06-12
Advisor:PD Dr. Susann Patschan
Referee:PD Dr. Susann Patschan
Referee:PD Dr. Rotraut Mößner
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Axial Spondylarthritis (SpA) significantly affects sacroiliac, intervertebral and peripheral joints. Patients with SpA suffer from increased cardiovascular risk (CVR). The endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) system critically perpetuates vascular repair. The aim of the study was to evaluate EPCs in axial (ax)SpA with special attention on parameters of disease activity and CVR. Methods: Disease activity and functional impairment were quantified in 50 axSpA patients by using standardized parameters (Bath ankylosing spondylitis disease activity index (BASDAI), C-reactive protein (CRP), finger-floor distance (FFD) and Ott' sign). Circulating EPCs and EPC regeneration were analyzed by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) and colony-forming unit (CFU) assay. Serum vasomodulatory mediators were quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results: EPC colony numbers were lower in axSpA as compared to controls. Males displayed less colonies than females. In addition, fewer colonies were observed in smokers, in patients with a BASDAI of below 4 and in hypertension. Circulating CD133+/KDR+ cells did not differ between the groups. Follow-up analysis (33 months later) did not show any differences in gender, colony formation, CD133+/KDR+ cells or serum levels of vasomodulatory mediators if related to the categories of BASDAI, Ott' sign or FFD. Conclusions: EPC colony formation is significantly affected in axSpA with particularly low levels in males. EPC-related parameters do not allow predicting disease activity-related or functional parameters nor are they useful for CVR assessment in SpA.
Keywords: axial spondylarthritis; endothelial progenitor cell
Schlagwörter: axiale Spondylarthritis; endotheliale Progeitorzellen