Langzeitergebnisse nach transabdomineller präperitonealer Netzplastik (TAPP) bei Patienten mit dem Erstereignis einer Leistenhernie
Long-term-results after transabdominal preperitoneal hernioplasty (TAPP) in patients with the first occurence of an inguinal hernia
by Katharina Wedde
Date of Examination:2019-06-17
Date of issue:2019-06-13
Advisor:PD Dr. Sebastian Dango
Referee:Prof. Dr. Sascha Ahyai
Referee:PD Dr. Gunther Felmerer
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Inguinal hernia repair is one of the most common elective general surgical operations in the world. The transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) inguinal hernia repair is, along with the total extraperitoneal hernioplasty (TEP), a standardized technique of laparoscopic inguinal hernia repairs. Nevertheless there is limited evidence regarding to postoperative pain and recurrences. Therefore we created this retrospective monocentric analysis. The investigation shows long-term-results of patients with initial inguinal hernias which were all treated with TAPP. Furthermore, we tried to find a correlation between the incidence of postoperative pain, recurrences and the BMI. As data capture we used a questionnaire, which was send to patients whose initial groin hernia was treated with TAPP between 2004 and 2011 at one specific hospital. 38,1% of those patients answered, 95,9% being male and 4,1% being female. 2,3% of the patients had a recurrence and 11,3% had the chronic pain syndrome. The intensity of pain was expressed by the VAS (Visual Analog Scale). The evaluation showed no significant correlation neither between the incidence of chronic pain and the BMI (p=0,5038) nor between the occurrence of recurrences and the BMI (p=0,5773). Nevertheless there is a trend that patients with higher BMI`s are more susceptible to have chronic pain and recurrences as patients with a lower BMI. To sum up one can say that the TAPP technique is a common standardized laparoscopic treatment to supply initial inguinal hernias with a low rate of chronic pain and recurrences compared to open procedures.
Keywords: transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) hernioplasty