The Aspergillus fumigatus Vap-Vip methyltransferase pathway modulates stress response, secondary metabolism and azole resistance
von Hugo Amoedo Machi
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2018-07-24
Betreuer:Prof. Dr. Gerhard Braus
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Gerhard Braus
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Stefanie Pöggeler
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Ralph Kehlenbach
Name:Thesis Hugo Amoedo Online version (no CV, op...pdf
Description:Complete PhD thesis without CV
The VapA-VapB-VipC trimeric complex is part of an epigenetic developmental control pathway of A. nidulans. VeA-interacting protein (VipC) and VipC-associated protein B (VapB) are methyltransferases, and VapA is a zinc-finger membrane protein. This complex integrates and translocates environmental signals from the membrane to the nucleus for the control of development through changes in gene expression. Genome analysis of several Aspergillus species revealed the presence of different Vap-Vip pathways variants not only among the Aspergilli but also within the strains of the human opportunistic pathogen A. fumigatus. Some strains, such as A1160, a gene duplication event resulted in two paralogues genes coding for AfVipC1 and AfVipC2. There are also strains, such as AfS35, that have lost AfvapB gene and carry an AfvapA, AfvipC1 and AfvipC2 genotype, which is much more abundant in nature. This work introduces a novel and highly dynamic mechanism by which A. fumigatus can adapt to changing environmental conditions. This fungus has a gene loss or gene duplication system to adapt to different niches. In A. fumigatus AfS35, VapA, VipC1 and VipC2 present similar features to their homologues in A. nidulans and are interacting under vegetative and asexual conditions. The loss of at least one of the methyltransferases, vipC1 or vipC2, promotes resistance against the menadione-induced oxidative stress. In contrast, deletion of vipC2 alone or together with vapA increase the sensitivity to sorbic acid. In the A1160 strain with the Vap-Vip configuration of all four genes (vapA, vapB, vipC1 and vipC2), loss of vipC2 has the opposite effect and increases the sensitivity against menadione and the resistance to sorbic acid. In the AfS35 strain, deletion of vipC2 leads to an overexpression of the master regulator of asexual development, brlA, and two genes involved in the fumiquinazolines synthesis, fmqA and fmqC, which results in an accumulation of fumiquinazoline intermediates (FQA, FQC/D, FQF). VipC2 also affects the production of pigments and other secondary metabolites, especially under blue-light conditions. Loss of vipC2 results in an upregulation of the drug efflux transporter genes, abcA and abcB, which leads to an increased resistance against voriconazole and itraconazole in the AfS35 strain. In summary, this study presents experimental evidences that homologues of VapA, VapB and VipC proteins in A. fumigatus AfS35 interact and play a role in the control of stress response, secondary metabolism and anti-azole drug resistance, and these effects are modulated by their genomic environment.
Keywords: Aspergillus fumigatus; anti-azole resistance; secondary metabolism; vap-vip complex; stress response; methyltransferases; epigenetics; environment adaptation