Biosignatures of modern microbial mats, Kiritimati/Kiribati, Central Pacific
by Yan Shen
Date of Examination:2019-09-20
Date of issue:2019-10-17
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Joachim Reitner
Referee:Prof. Dr. Volker Thiel
Referee:PD Dr. Gernot Arp
Referee:Dr. Michael Pd Hoppert
Referee:Dr. Pablo Suarez-Gonzalez
Referee:Dr. Sebastiann Rampen
Files in this item
Description:PhD thesis
Organic biomarkers have been widely used to trace the information of their biological precursors and to reveal information about fossil depositional environment, and thus they help to reconstruct ancient ecosystems. Prior to the advent of bioturbation at Ediacaran-Cambrian transitions, pervasive microbial mats covered large areas of Proterozoic oceanic shelves. This contrasts with the Phanerozoic, characterized by the flourishment of metazoans and less common benthic microbial mats. One of the characteristic features of Precambrian biomarker records is that eukaryotic steranes are typically absent or occur in very low concentrations. It is not known whether this feature reflects the scarcity of eukaryotic primary producers in Proterozoic environments, or rather the preferential degradation of eukaryotic lipids in the widespread benthic microbial mats (proposed as “mat-seal effect”). One of the main goals of this PhD work is to test this hypothesis, demonstrating the preservation pathways of eukaryote-derived steroids as well as other lipid biomarkers (e.g. bacteria-derived hopanoids and fatty acids) in modern microbial mat settings. This work will provide new insights into the potential taphonomic bias of eukaryotic steroids, in contrast to other lipids, in distinct microbial mat ecosystems. This thesis aims at 1) assessing the fate of total extractable steroids in microbial mats; 2) differentiating the preservation pathways of sterols between freely extractable lipids, carbonate-bound lipids and the non-extractable residues, and testing if calcification within microbial mats may function as a preservation mechanism for these biomarkers; 3) examining the taphonomy of OM and microfacies in microbial mats, and providing reference data for the relations between the preservation of OM and the associated mineralization modes. To this end, I performed several studies in which I used different techniques to provide answers for specific research questions. In the first study, a c. 1200 yrs old microbial mat from a hypersaline Lake 22 on Kiritimati was investigated to analyze the fate of steroids. This mat was divided into different layers, and the biomarker inventory in the total lipid extracts (including steroids) was assessed and quantified in each mat layer. It was demonstrated that the steroids experienced anaerobic microbial transformation along distinctive diagenetic pathways (stenols => stanols => sterenes => steranes), however, the total amount of the compounds with the steroid skeleton retained markedly constant on a 103 yrs scale, and hence, the results contradict with the so called “mat-seal effect”. The second study examined the taphonomic pathways of eukaryotic sterols, as freely extractable and carbonate-bound lipids, in a c. 1500 yrs hypersaline microbial mat (Lake 2, Kiritimati, Central Pacific), to test if calcification within microbial mats may function as a preservation mechanism for these biomarkers. In addition, the results in this work were compared to other studies performed on microbial mats from different settings (including other lakes on Kiritimati) to obtain better insight in which factors affect the preservation of sterols in hypersaline microbial mat systems. This work illustrated 1) that the carbonate matrix played no important role in encasing sterols in the mat that was analysed for this study, 2) that a significant drop in total sterols concentration was observed immediately below the top layer and retained in a low abundance in deeper layers, indicating in favor of “mat-seal effect” theory; and 3) the discrepancies with respect to the preservation of sterols in the two Kiritimati mats (i.e., Lake 2 and 22) might be linked to the differences in salinity or to periods of subaerial exposure, suggesting that sterols would have a higher preservation potential in microbial mats experiencing stronger salinities or more desiccated conditions. As for the third study, the analysis of lipid biomarkers was combined with petrographic and histologic investigation, in a depth profile of a recent calcifying mat (the same mat as investigated in the second study) from a hypersaline Lake 2 in Kiritimati. This work aims at a better understanding of the processes that lead to mineralization of a microbial mat and the preservation of organic matter in the resulting microbialites. This study shows for the first time that significantly different organic matter preservation pathways are observed even within a single microbial mat. In addition, the data illustrate that preservation of lipids may have been strongly controlled by mineralization processes. Fast mineral precipitation driven by environmental changes might preserve microbial lipid signatures much better than relatively slow mineralization driven by progressive EPS degradation in deeper mat layers. Finally, this thesis demonstrates that the preservation of steroids is not only regulated by heterotrophic degradation, but rather reflects a complex interplay of taphonomic processes, and it may be also associated with multiple biotic and abiotic factors including salinity and periods of subaerial exposure. Therefore, caution has to be taken in the interpretation of sterols distribution patterns in modern and ancient microbial mat settings. Moreover, future works on microbial lipids in fossil microbialites should thoroughly consider the mineralization processes to reach sound interpretations on organic biosignatures enclosed therein.
Keywords: lipid biomarker; microbial mats; preservation pathway; microfacies; isotopes; pyrolysis; steroids