Einfluss der Nahrungsaufnahme auf die Lebersteifigkeit, gemessen mit 2D-Scherwellen-Elastographie (Gerät: LOGIQ E9) bei freiwilligen Probanden
Impact of Food Intake on Liver Stiffness Determined by 2D Shear Wave Elastography (LOGIQ E9): Prospective Interventional Study in 100 Healthy Patients
von Melissa Porsche
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2020-02-19
Betreuer:PD Dr. Albrecht Neeße
Gutachter:PD Dr. Albrecht Neeße
Gutachter:PD Dr. Hendrik Rosewich
Name:ediss Version Doktoarbeit pdf
The aim was to evaluate the influence of food intake on liver stiffness measurement (LSM), performed with 2-D shear wave elastography (Logiq E9, GE Medical Systems, Wauwatosa, WI, USA). One hundred healthy volunteers were prospectively enrolled. Mean age was 25.8 (19-55) y, and mean body mass index was 22.43 (17.3-30.8) kg/m². Patients fasted for at least 3 h and subsequently ingested a liquid meal of 800 kcal. Liver stiffness and portal vein velocity were measured before and after food intake. Food intake resulted in significantly higher LSM values compared with baseline LSM (5.74 ± 0.94 kPa vs. 4.80 ± 0.94 kPa, p < 0.001). On multiple linear regression analysis, body mass index was significantly positively correlated with the LSM increase after food intake (p = 0.01). No correlation between the increase in LSM and the increase in post-prandial portal vein velocity was observed (r = 0.09). In summary, food intake has a significant influence on LSM. There is an 11% risk of misclassifying non-fasting, healthy patients as having significant fibrosis.
Keywords: Elastographie; Lebersteifigkeit; Nahrungsaufnahme; 2D-Scherwellen-Elastographie