Gesamtbetriebskosten zweier Narkosemaschinen (Aisys® und Zeus® IE®) während operativer Eingriffe in der Allgemeinchirurgie
Total cost of ownership of two anesthesia machines (Aisys® and Zeus® IE®) during surgical procedures in general surgery
by Arne Blecken
Date of Examination:2020-05-18
Date of issue:2020-04-23
Advisor:Prof. Dr. José Hinz
Referee:Prof. Dr. José Hinz
Referee:PD Dr. Thilo Sprenger
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Name:eDiss BleckenA.pdf
The aim of the present work is to determine and to compare the total cost of ownership (TCO) of the anesthesia machines Aisys® and Zeus® IE®, to make an economically justifiable purchase decision in the future. Because of the different functions of the two devices was a prospective study in 104 patients performed during general surgery. For this, the gas consumption of oxygen, medical compressed air and the volatile anesthetic sevoflurane was measured over a period of 299 houres during anesthesia in the field of general surgery.
Keywords: Anesthesia; Total cost of ownership; Cost analysis; Volatile anaesthetics; Anaesthetic maschine; General surgery; Closed circuit anaesthesia