Optimization of temporal parameters of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation to improve its efficacy
von Islam Halawa
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2019-08-07
Betreuer:Prof. Dr. Walter Paulus
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Annekathrin Schacht
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Walter Paulus
Name:Thesis printed_halawa.pdf
This thesis focused on the effects of changing temporal organization of rTMS whether within the protocol by examining the effects of inter train intervals on the efficacy of rTMS protocols in the first paper (Halawa et al. 2018), or within pulse shapes by testing the effects of changing the pulse widths and directionality in low frequency (Halawa et al. 2019b) and high frequency rTMS (Halawa et al. 2019a). The aim is to better understand the underlying physiological mechanisms of outcome variability by investigating less commonly investigated stimulation parameters so we could eventually make more efficient use of rTMS modulatory effects in treatment of diseases with cortical origin, or prospectively enhance learning and increase mental abilities.
Keywords: TMS, cTMS, Inter train intervals, Dendrites, Neuronal firing, Pulse widths, Pulse directionality