Th-U series radionuclides in the characterization of geothermal reservoirs (Bruchsal, SW Germany)
von Lena Kölbel
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2020-09-30
Betreuer:Dr. Bettina Wiegand
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Martin Sauter
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schäfer
Name:Dissertation L. Koelbel_eDiss.pdf
A sophisticated analysis of naturally occurring nuclides has the potential to support geothermal energ\ e[ploitation during various stages of a project·s life c\cle. One possible methodological approach is based on the detection of Th-U decay series disequilibria which are caused by a relatively rapid exchange of isotopes between fluid and rock within the reservoir section resulting in a fractionation of daughter and parent nuclides. In deep geothermal systems, natural radionuclides exist in both the fluid phase and the adjoining solids. Since the fluid phase is extremely sensitive to radionuclide exchanges, it displays the extent of radioactive disequilibrium very evidently. Modelling of these radioactive disequilibria can provide site-specific information of the long-term migratory behavior of radionuclides which might be useful for the sustainable management of geothermal reservoirs. Furthermore, the understanding of the Th-U series nuclides behavior in geothermal systems enables the plant operators to handle radionuclide-bearing mineral precipitations which are known from surface installation parts. But even in early stages of geothermal projects, the examination and assessment of radionuclide signatures of rocks can have a practical benefit for geothermal reservoir engineering. Only a few studies dealing with the tangible benefit of using radionuclide-based methods for deep geothermal projects are published. To shorten this gap in knowledge, a radiochemical monitoring system was realized at Bruchsal in the framework of the ANEMONA research project. The test site is located at the eastern main boundary fault of the Upper Rhine Graben in SW-Germany. A comprehensive dataset was generated by frequent, long-term fluid sampling and laboratory analyses. In addition, the Bruchsal reservoir rock was intensively examined based on drill cuttings from both the injection and production well. The results and their application are presented in three individual studies. The first part of this thesis deals with a new approach to identify permeable fractures or at least formerly permeable fractures based on specific radionuclide signatures of rocks. Alpha and gamma spectrometry surveys of the Bruchsal drill cuttings delivered specific activities of the Th-U series nuclides. It is shown that the reservoir section at Bruchsal is defined by a positive 226Ra anomaly in deeper borehole sections. A petrographic alteration study is performed on the rock material to determine links between the hydrothermal processes in the reservoir and the related accumulation of radium. Possible fractured zones are identified by the evaluation of Th/Ra and Ra/K ratios which are sensitive to changes in the 226Ra concentration. The results are compared with the conventional well logs performed in the GB2 well. The radiochemical analysis of the Bruchsal NaCl brine display radioactive disequilibria within the natural decay series caused by the preferred solution of radium isotopes (228Ra, 226Ra, 224Ra, 223Ra) having activities by far exceeding those of their thorium progenitors. Based on the observed radioactive disequilibria, water-rock interactions are examined in depth to evaluate their effects on radionuclide transport in the geothermal reservoir. The results are documented in the second part of this study. The mathematical treatment is based on Ku et al. (1992) whose water-rock interaction model allows a detailed analysis of physico-chemical reactions as well as the study of advective transport phenomena. The modelling part of this study is focused on radium isotopes since their range in half-lives and their interrelation in the respective decay chain allows the determination of water-rock interaction rates across different timescales. It is shown that diffusion along microfractures is an essential step allowing the recoiled atoms to enter the flow system and causing a significant fractionation of Ra isotopes. In the third part of the thesis, an integrative approach to estimate site-specific fracture dimensions is introduced by means of a 222Rn mass balance approach. Here, radon acts as a natural radiotracer whose activity in the geothermal fluid is mainly controlled by the diffusional flux from fracture surfaces, but also by the fracture geometry. Integral hydraulic parameters of the Bruchsal reservoir are obtained from the interpretation of pumping tests. Therefore, the aquifer test analysis tool AQTESOLV® is employed. The assessment of the fracture dimensions assumes an equivalent fracture. Thus, hydraulic parameters of a multi-fracture system are approximated using a single fracture, the so-called equivalent fracture. This approach offers the estimation of fracture parameters such as aperture, surface, etc. by using 222Rn. However, a certain ambiguity of the results cannot be ruled out.
Keywords: Naturally occurring radionuclides; Geothermal reservoir exploration; Water-rock interaction processes; Radium isotopes; Upper Rhine Graben